2022-02-02 Minutes of Committee Meeting




Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929 

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au 

Committee Meeting Minutes – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)

Date: Tuesday 2 February 2022 

Time: 7 PM

Venue :     German Austrian Australian Club (GAA) 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga


  • Attendees.

Sam Trabant, Phil Stuckey, Michael Sarroff, David Lutton, Glenn Kimpton, Mike Yerbury, George Stahl, Paul Bullock


  • Apologies 

Doug Cowey


  1. Previous Minutes 26/10/21. (Sam)

Moved: Sam; Seconded: Paul


  • Business arising from previous minutes.



  • Venue for future AWMEC meetings



In mid-January this year we were advised by Jim Salmon, RSL Functions Manager, that the RSL no longer had a chef/cook & wouldn’t be able to provide meals for our January meeting. The Committee decided to hold an earlier meeting (7pm) for our January meeting without meals option & review the situation for future meeting venues.

Over the past few years our meeting attendances have increased (in between Covid interruptions in the last two) largely due to the opportunity for members who wish to, to gather from 6pm & enjoy a meal and/or drinks with fellow members pre commencement of the meeting. The socialising & fellowship pre meetings has become a significant feature of our monthly meetings and as such, the Committee believes it very important to allow this aspect of our meetings to continue.

To ensure that this can happen, the Committee agreed to investigate other possible venues which may be suitable for our meetings & as a club base in the event that the RSL don’t resolve their catering issues in the near future.

The agreed criteria for a suitable venue were;

  1. private room or closed off area able to take up to 100 seated (in light of growing memberships & attendances), 
  2. available from 6pm to 10pm 4th Tuesday of the month reliably, 
  3. bar available in or next to the meeting room with reasonably priced drinks, 
  4. meals available from 6pm with suitable menu & reasonable prices (RSL used to be $20 for main & dessert)
  5. able to take bikes into meeting area for show & tell
  6. no venue hire charge & welcoming to bike club
  7. available for other meetings such as Committee meetings at other times (not necessarily exclusive area)
  8. suitable to hold functions & events (eg Christmas party, special days etc) including suitable parking area for bikes at events
  9. would be great if we could find a venue where we can store our equipment but this may be more difficult to find



The Committee had decided to hold this meeting at the German Austrian Australian Club as one of the short-listed options (Lee Botting, ex RSL caterer is now the caterer & Manager of the German Austrian Australian Club). Prior to the start of the meeting, we were given a tour of the venue and their capabilities (including their ability & willingness to store our equipment).


We have been at the RSL for a number of years and it has been a great venue in that time with catering and such being developed along the way. We are not confident that they will return to their former capability. We consider that now may be time to make a decision and move on to preserve the social atmosphere of the club meetings.


Phil Moved that we moved our Club meeting venue to another location to preserve the clubs social atmosphere if the RSL cannot commit to meeting our requirements. Seconded Michael Sarroff – Carried.


The Committee formed a Sub-Committee (Phil, Michael & Mike) to review possible venues. The short list of venues considered were:

  • Sodens Hotel, Albury

The sub-com investigated this venue today. Concerns raised were food pricing being a little high. Room (Stable Bar) was great, Tuesday nights were fine. Easy access for project bikes.


  • Edwards Tavern, Wodonga

Room was deemed to be too tight; Food prices again were highish as well, Awkward access for bikes.

  • German Austrian Australian Club (GAA), Wodonga

Has offered the venue to our club for 4th Tuesday meetings and other meetings & events. Cheaper meals ($20 two courses) with management who are familiar with & supportive of our Club. Opportunity for storage of our gear and use of their AV gear. Easy access for project bikes.


The above criteria were carefully considered for each venue;


Phil moved that we discount Edwards Tavern from the mix, seconded: Michael Sarroff – Carried.


Mike Y moved that the sub-committee check if there would be a fee for venue hire at Sodens before a decision be made for future venue. When that information is received, all Committee members will check the room at Sodens (the Stable Bar) then vote for Sodens or the GAA via email in the next week. Seconded: Paul – Carried.


It was agreed that following the outcome of that vote, Phil & Paul would meet with management/committee of the RSL to ascertain their capabilities moving forward, after which the Committee will make a final decision re venue.


See the attached addendum to these minutes for final outcomes.


  • 2022 AGM 
  • Date & Venue

The Committee confirmed that this years AGM will be held on Tuesday March 22nd 2022 at 8pm with venue to be confirmed


  • Recommendation on annual & joining fees – need to consider possibility of having to employ secretariat

There was considerable discussion with respect to fees and it was established that the fees have not been increased in the history of the AWMEC.

There was also considerable discussion around the possibility of needing to employ a secretariat (either employee or contactor) to carry out the key functions of the Club if there are not suitable nominees available and elected at the AGM to fill key executive positions on the Committee (see below for possible vacancies). If the Club is required to employ a secretariate it is estimated that it would cost approximately $5,000 to $7,000 per year which would require an increase in annual fees of $40 in addition to the current annual fee, to pay for it.


Phil proposed that we conduct elections and fill office bearers’ positions prior to setting the fees for the year at the AGM.

Proposed that the joining fees rise from current $35 to $40

Proposed that there be two options for annual fees; 

Option A. in the event of willing and capable candidates being elected to fill all key executive positions (including Secretary and Membership Officer) the annual membership fees rise from the current $35 to $40. 

Option B. In the event that key executive positions are not filled, the Committee proposes to engage a secretariate with annual fees to increase to $80.

Moved: David, Seconded: Michael Sarroff – Carried

NOTE Any changes to annual fees become effective for the 2023 year. Changes to joining fees become effective immediately after the AGM.


  • Confirm agenda (as attached)

Moved Michael S, Seconded David that the attached Agenda for the 2022 be confirmed – carried


  • Discussion re current executive officer bearers’ intentions to re stand at the AGM
  • David Lutton has indicated that he would accept re nomination in the Treasurer’s role
  • Michael Sarroff has indicated that he would accept re nomination in the roles of Vice President and Web Manager & Editor
  • Mike Yerbury would accept re nomination in the role of Welfare & Fellowship Officer.
  • Glenn has indicated that he will not re stand for the Membership Officers role which will therefore be vacant.
  • Sam is still on the fence re Secretaries position.
  • Phil has indicated that he would accept re nomination for President’s position (for one more year only to mentor the VP) and as Club Constitution & Rules Officer.
  • Paul indicated that he would accept re nomination to the Bike Register & RMS/Vic Roads Liaison Officer


  • General Business

Michael Sarroff to chase up Richard – the owner of the Our Car Club database which our Club is still using, regarding fees. We haven’t received an invoice or paid anything to this point and he is difficult to contact.


  • Next meeting and meeting close

Meeting closed at 9.06pm. Next meeting TBA




  1. On February 9th the Committee returned email votes in favour by seven to two of adopting the German Austrian Australian Club as the alternative venue to the RSL should we move


  1. On February 14th Paul Bullock & Phil Stuckey met with Jim Salmon, RSL Functions Manager and Committee member to discuss the RSLs likelihood of being able to provide meals for our meetings moving forward (Jim had also asked the RSL President, Jim Begley to attend the meeting but he wasn’t available/interested). Jim said that he doesn’t see anything changing for the foreseeable future and that it is unlikely that the RSL will be able to provide meals for some time (Jim indicated that things may change if/when the RSL Committee substantially changes, there is an AGM due in the next couple of months but Jim is unsure if much change will occur). Jim said that he would be disappointed to see our club leave but fully understood the importance of the social component pre meetings & therefore understood if we did decide to move.


  1. As a result of our meeting with the RSL, Phil & Paul proposed to the Committee that we move our meetings to the German Austrian Australian Club on a three-month trial basis commencing with our February general meeting on February 22nd. This proposal was unanimously endorsed by the Committee on February 15th.


  1. OUTCOME – the AWMEC will move its meetings to the German Austrian Australian Club (GAA), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga for a three month trial commencing this month.