2022-09-13 Minutes of Committee Meeting


Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929  

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au  

Committee Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) Date: Tuesday 13 September 2022 Time: 5.30pm (two-hour time limit) Venue: Albury Autoscreen, 384 Griffith Rd, Lavington – hosted by Chris Brosolo Minutes of the meeting  

  1. Attendees & apologies 

Phil Stuckey, Michael Sarroff, Chris Brosolo, David Lutton, Clinton and Sandy Van De Stadt, Paul  Bullock, Mike Yerbury, Kelly Coutts-Smith. 

  1. Previous Minutes 19/7/22. Minutes were circulated per email for all to read. Proposed By Kelly Coutts -Smith, seconded By Paul Bullock. All in favour. 
  2. Business arising from previous minutes. 
  3. Amendment to Life Membership Rule 13 completed & lodged with CAV b. Clarification of general meeting procedures – see below Item 7. c. SMS messaging – see below Item 8 
  4. NSWHMA – see below item 6 
  5. Donations – see below item 11. 
  6. Incentives for committee applicants – see below Item 9 
  7. Bikes & Blues replacement – see below item10 
  8. Reports/feedback from Office Bearers as required i.e., general update on  items of interest or issues with the roles (not normal reports as presented at  meetings); 
  9. Secretary

 Clint -Secretary – clarified with Phil as our club has elected to and adopted the  logbook system, our members no longer have access to maintenance and short  Journey’s within 25 km radius, these now have to go into the log books. 

  1. Treasurer

 No issues  

  1. Membership

 – Chris Brosolo – clarified with Phil that, If Members have at least 1 bike on club  plates and maintain that bike on plates, they may then have 1 car on club plates  (only allow 1 car per member – exceptional circumstances may be considered) -This  in the policy documents. 

– Chris needs to order name Badges – last time they were done by “Burtons “ 

– Membership renewals – when to send emails to members – after next  meeting  

  1. Bike Register & Vic Roads/RMS liaison – Paul Bullock  

 NO Issues  

  1. Web Manager & Editor – Michael Sarrof  

 No Issues  

  1. Welfare & Fellowship Officer – Mike Yerbury 

No Issues. 

  1. Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – Kelly Coutts – Smith  

New Club regalia – Now available – Beanies, Stubbie Holders for club and  rally, as well quotes for keys rings from Lavington shoes & keys and Burton’s. 

Beanies from Embroidery Creations – price approx. $14.00- sell for $20.00 Costings from Kelly to be supplied – 

  1. Constitution & Rules Officer – Phil Stuckey

Presented the report from the Rally Committee – Neil Hillas 

Report from Neil Hillas  

Rally Committee report as of 10/09/2022 

Following is a report on the current status of the 34th Annual Butterball Rally 2022. 

At time of writing, there has been 20 entries with 8 0f those with pillion passengers. I do expect,  however, after a decision to extend the closing date by the rally committee, an influx of entries in the  coming week/s. The closing date will now be the 24th September. 

Financials so far have had an expenditure of $439.70 with the balance of badge cost yet to be  included. Income thus far is approx. $400 with further income to be generated by raffles etc on the  day. The plan was to try to break even on this rally.  

We have had an excellent response from businesses approached with “goods in kind” and these will  be used for raffles, prizes, etc. We sincerely thank those sponsors. 

The organization of this rally has been rather difficult with various issues with accommodation falling  through to issues with food supplies etc. The committee has been a tower of strength throughout  the planning cycle and without them, this rally could have possibly been derailed very early on in the  process. But we struggled on, and we believe that we have now organized a rally that can be and will  be enjoyed by all. We have indevoured to provide a cost-effective solution. 

Final planning is now under way, and all is looking good for the rally.  

On behalf of the rally committee, I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the management  committee for their financial assistance to this rally. 

David Lutton – Treasurer – added that the rally account for Entries was $ 1180.00 and  expenditure was $879.00

Constitution & Rules Officer – Phil Stuckey  

  1. Amendment to Appendix 1 in constitution re: NSW RMS requirements. This is completely out of date, needs to be re written & passed as special resolution  at special general meeting (& lodge with CAV & pay fee). Phil to circulate proposed  changes prior to this meeting. 
  • The changes had been circulated via email from Phil to Committee members (as attached). Reason we have the appendix in our constitution: because we  are incorporated in Victoria and the NSW RMS would not accept us in their system unless we had a clause in our constitution that formed the NSW  branch. That is what this does, in doing that this prescribes what we must  include, as for the appendix to be acceptable. (This could be run past the  NSWHMA legal people).  

This will then be put to a special general meeting as a resolution at our October  general meeting – to be voted on. 

Phil asked for someone to move that we pass the changes proposed: by Kelly Coutts  -Smith, and seconded by: Paul Bullock. Motion was carried.  

Club Rules:  

The changes had been circulated via email from Phil to Committee members (as  attached) 

Section 2 (1) – Correction: Effective date of the membership fees – effective from  1/04/2022 

 – Communication Section 3, Clause 2 – 

We had stated our main communication was via emails, in addition, 

“Members who do not have reliable access to email communication may make a written  request to the Committee that they receive written communication from the Club, to be sent  to their current mailing address as provided to the Membership Officer or Secretary. It should  be noted that information mailed to members under this rule will be limited to notices and  minutes of Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings. “ 

The secretary can keep a register of these members. 

Section 4 – Rule 3 – Conditional Registration – CPS Vic and HCRS NSW Systems 

Club to clarify who is the person that the HCRS – NSW – IE person that they liaise  with – (permits Officer) roll and title to be Clarified by Paul Bullock  

Section 4 – Rule 4 – Whole new section inserted. Members with Vehicles registered  under the NSW RMS HCRS system, must abide by the RMS rules. Proposed  updated rules are;


3) The Bike Register & VicRoads/RMS Liaison Officer (who is also the RMS Permits Officer) or  Membership Officer must be advised of any changes to any of the above information within  14 days of the change. 

4) Members with vehicles registered under the NSW RMS HCRS must abide by RMS rules (on  the RMS web site) and the following requirements;  

  1. The vehicle must be a minimum of 30 years old from year & month of  


  1. The vehicle must be as close to original condition as practical. Safety related  modifications and period options and accessories may be added, 
  2. All vehicles must undergo an annual inspection as determined by RMS & the  Club, 
  3. Official persons will be designated as Club Machine Examiners by the Club.  Club examiners are authorised to complete documentation on behalf of the  Club for new permit applications and annual renewals, 
  4. The clubs Machine Examiners may certify a vehicles roadworthiness or  

alternatively, the Club or RMS may require that members obtain a safety  

check (pink slip) from an authorised inspection station, 

  1. Chassis and engine numbers will form part of the identification of an Historic  vehicle. Any change must be notified in writing to RMS and the Club’s  

Permits Officer. The Club requires three photos (both sides & rear) of the  

vehicle on first registration and if any modifications are subsequently made  

to the vehicle. 

  1. Historic number plates are issued to a member of the club and are not  

transferable either to another vehicle or person in the event of the vehicle  

being sold. 

  1. Plates must be immediately returned to Roads & Maritime Services; 
  2. In the event of the sale of the vehicle for which the plates are issued, 
  3. Upon the member’s resignation from the club, 

iii. Upon the member’s failure to remain a financial member within the  

meaning of the Constitution of the club or on failure to comply with  

the Clubs rules including participation requirements, 

  1. At the directive of a Club Committee decision, 
  2. If the Club Machine Examiner considers the vehicle has become  

unsafe or altered after it has been inspected. 

  1. As the AWMEC has opted to adopt the RMS log book system, the only  

conditions on which a plated vehicle can be used is by completing the log  

book for each day used (regardless of reason or distance) or on official Club  

rides in which case the rider must stay on the official, published route to &  

from the destination (i.e. returning to the start point) & carry a hard copy of  the Clubs ride calendar detailing the route. Any deviation from the defined  

ride route will require the log book to be completed. Attending Club  

meetings is not considered a club ride & will require the log book to be 

completed as will Journeys for maintenance or any purpose other than a  

published club ride. 

Phil asked for someone to move that we pass the club rules 

Proposed by Kelly Coutts – Smith, Seconded by Paul Bullock. All in favour. Carried

  1. NSWHMA – report & decision on joining 

Report circulated by Phil reporting on the Meeting of The NSWHMA. 

They were reported and discussed at the General meeting and appear in the minutes  of the general Meeting  

Fee – $60.00 to join and $40.00 membership fee. 

Phil as for someone to move the motion  

Moved by Kelly. Seconded by Paul Bullock. 

All in favour. Carried. 

  1. Meeting procedures re moving motions. Relevant section of constitution on  meetings are rules 31 to 42 (pages 11 to 15) with main rules in relation to  procedures at normal general meetings being rules 32, 34 & 39. 

Members who wish to raise a motion that they, would like tabled at the meeting, must  advise the Chairperson or Secretary in writing, at least one hour before the start of  the meeting.  

“At the discretion of the chair”: any items of a general nature can be discussed on the  night. If they are to do with the management of the club or matters considered to be significant to the majority of members, they should be held over to a future meeting  or passed on to the committee.  

  1. SMS messaging from OCC options (Michael Sarroff) 

Technology to send out SMS’s to members  

Michael has investigated the options extensively.  

Outlook – emails through outlook is not a good option. 

We can run it through the OCC data base 

– positives: The data is in the system; we link into this and send out SMS to all  members. 

– Negatives: It is expensive. 

Another option which seems to be the best: – Club Purchases a club phone, which  can be used to send urgent messages to club members. 

Purchase a club phone to be taken on rides. To be used by Secretary, Membership  officer, Ride co-ordinator etc. 

To be used for communications of club matters including sending SMS messages for  emergencies, urgent changes to plans and reminders about monthly meetings, club  rides, membership renewals. 

Michael can set up the phone with all the data needed.  

Purchase of Phone approx. $715.00- $800.00 and ongoing costs of $15.00 per  month ( $180.00 per year ) 

Phil requested Michael to check and find out if he can put the phone in the club’s name. 

Phil: Proposal from the committee at the next general meeting: that we purchase a club phone, approx. $715.00- $800.00 and ongoing costs of $15.00 per month (  $180.00 per year)  

  1. Possible incentives for members to serve as future office bearers (raise by  Chris) – Discuss next meeting  

10.Replacement of Bike & Blues event – Discuss next meeting  

11.Donations – refer policy 3.6. AWMEC Donation Policy – 

Please advise any suggestion – to discuss next meeting  

12.Policy on how we deal with invites & notices to events from other clubs &  organisations  

Secretary to send the correspondence in – To Michael Sarroff to put on the Website,  a link will be emailed to members to access this information. 

Information that is pertinent to several of our members, consistent with the objectives  of our club and items of a timely nature (upcoming rides).  

Michael has set up on the website (under News section) a place for members to post  upcoming events. This is good for timely events – due to short notice of events. 

 Click the button to a submit form, enter details, submit directly to Michael to put  directly onto website. 

These items can still be mentioned at the meetings and members advised that it is  on the web site.  

13.General Business 

New member packs 

Kelly to set up an introduction sheet for new members, FAQ’s and with basic  Information for the web site, for new member packs. This should also contain, Club  Policy and rules, Office bearers’ sheet, ride Calendar and sheet to advise what bikes  they have.  

– Lake Mulwala Ride 16 October 2022 – Paradise Queen – Mike Yerbury 

Only 25 Places (Limited Numbers) for the club have been booked, Blues band on the  boat. $50.00pp which includes – Finger Food, hot food. -all you can eat.  

This has been booked 1pm to 4pm -3-hour trip. Payment up front for this would be  necessary. 

14.Next meeting and meeting close 

Close Meeting at 7.45pm Next general Meeting 27 September 2022 at GAAC

DRAFT APPENDIX 1 (Rule 2. c. ii) – Amended 25-10-2022 




  1. To be eligible, the applicant must be a current financial member of the Albury Wodonga  Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club Inc. The motorcycle must be at least 30 years of age from the  year & month of manufacture or as alternatively determined by NSW RMS. The onus of  proof of age shall rest with the applicant. The final arbiter shall be the clubs’ committee. 
  2. Vehicles permitted under the HCRS must be as close to original condition as is practical.  Safety related modifications and period options and accessories may be added. 3. All members applying for HCRS permit through the AWMEC confirm that they have read the  Clubs rules and fully understand their responsibilities and agree to abide by these Rules. This  is the basis on which permit documentation under the HCRS will be issued by the Club. 


Historic vehicles can only be used in accordance with the NSW Roads and Maritime Services rules  applicable at the time of use and within the AWMEC rules & policies (refer to the RMS web site and  Club rules for current conditions of use).  


  1. All general enquiries relating to the HCRS must be directed to the Clubs Permits Officer.  Individual approaches to the Roads and Maritime other than those relating to a member’s  specific permit requirements, are not permitted. 
  2. Historic number plates are issued to a member of the club and are not transferable either to  another vehicle or person in the event of the vehicle being sold. 
  3. Plates must be immediately returned to Roads & Maritime Services; 
  4. a) In the event of the sale of the vehicle for which the plates are issued, 
  5. b) Upon the member’s resignation from the club, 
  6. c) Upon the member’s failure to remain a financial member within the meaning of the  Constitution of the club or on failure to pay any levy that may be constitutionally,  approved by a duly constituted Club meeting, 
  7. d) At the directive of a Club Committee decision, 
  8. e) If the Club Machine Examiner considers the vehicle has become unsafe or altered  after it has been inspected. 

Members access to the HCRS is granted on the condition that the Clubs rules and participation  requirements applicable at the time, are met. The Committee retains the right to refuse  authorisation for a permit or permit renewal if the Clubs rules are not complied with or if the vehicle  does not meet the RMS and Clubs requirements. 


Annual vehicle inspection must comply with applicable Roads and Maritime Services requirements.  

  1. All vehicles must undergo an annual inspection as determined by RMS & the Club, 2. Official persons will be designated as Club Machine Examiners by the Club. Club examiners  are authorised to complete documentation on behalf of the Club for new permit applications  and renewals,
  2. The clubs Machine Examiners may certify a vehicles roadworthiness or alternatively, the Club  or RMS may require that members obtain a safety check (pink slip) from an authorised  inspection station, 
  3. Members must be current financial members at the time of applying for a club permit or  permit renewal, 
  4. Chassis and engine numbers will form part of the identification of an Historic vehicle. Any  change must be notified in writing to RMS and the Club’s Permits Officer. The Club requires  three photos (both sides & rear) of the vehicle on first registration and if any modifications  are subsequently made to the vehicle. 


The registration fee payable to the RMS also covers CTP insurance issued under the Motor Accident  Compensation Act. Members should note the following concerning CTP insurance: 

  1. CTP insurance only provides cover for personal injury claims against the owner/rider by  other road users, as a result of an accident. It does not cover property damage. 2. CTP insurance only provides cover where the motorcycle is used on public roads or road related areas (eg footpaths, nature strips, public driveways, public car parks etc), but not  private property. 

Members are encouraged to take out Third Party Property Insurance as a minimum. It is also  recommended that members consider Comprehensive Insurance cover.