2022-09-27 Minutes of General Meeting

General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)

Minutes Of Meeting 

Date: 27th September 2022 Time: 7.30 pm (meals available from 5.30pm)

Venue : German Austrian Australian Club, 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga 

  1. Welcome, and opening address by the chair; –

Michael  Sarroff  opened meeting at 7.33pm and welcomed all present 

September has been a big month with many activities. Sad, Exciting, Tributes and Relief.

  • Michael acknowledged the passing of Queen Elizabeth & commented on significance of her loss. 
  • Aussie Jack Miller enjoys wild celebrations after the greatest MotoGP win of his career.
    Australia’s Jack Miller delivered the ride of his life to dominate the Japanese MotoGP in a staggering victory.
    Miller started seventh on his factory Ducati but surged into the lead by the fourth lap – and quickly going on to leave his rivals in the dust at Motegi.
  • Michael acknowledged and gave background on the Wall to wall Ride which is a nationwide event to honour police officers who have been killed on duty or who have died as a result of their duties.
    This year had in excess of 2000 motorbikes and vehicles following a police vanguard to Canberra.
  • Pandemic – noted announcements that the Pandemic is in a new phase.


Dave and Ann Merbach, David Johnson, Lyle Williamson, Kelly Coutts-Smith, Paul Hare, Bill Brennan, Kevin Hammond, Tony Ryan, Gary Coleman, Nick Johnston, Greg Antone, Chris Jones, Phil Stuckey, Mike Yerbury, Adam Greenwood, Mark Sice, Kevin Star, Craig Wilson, Raphael Gangie, Kate Thomas, Sam Trabant, Kevin Cornelison, Ashley Male, Peter Mayne, Phil Gardiner. 


  • Previous Minutes

Minutes of General Meeting 30 August 2022 – as circulated


  • Business Arising from Previous Minutes

A- Joining of NSWHMA resolution passed at Committee meeting to Join the Organisation

B- Donation proposals to go to committee

C- Amendment to the minutes – re Financials Closing Balance of $27,700.92 is incorrect. Correct figure is $24,700.92 

  • Correspondence (In and Out) Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary

Correspondence In/ Out: 


Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre Newsletter.

Historic Vehicles Newsletter.

Indian Motorcycle Club of Australia – Krusty Rally Sat 29th October to Monday 31st Oct – See Website

The Longford Grand Prix Expo – Sat 11th – Sun 12th March 2023. – Tasmania.

The Veteran and Vintage Motorcycle Club of South Australia. Change of date for motorcycle swap meet – Now Sunday 30th October 2022 (previously 2 Oct)

Bundaloon Country Inn Motel. Bundaloon NSW.(Accommodation available if riding in this area)

Survey – Victoria Police Swanpool Motor Festival. – Greg Parish noted that this does not reflect the position of the AWMEC club , it is purely an Individual survey from members. 

  • Membership Officer’s Report:  Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer


No new members tonight.

Currently 218 members.

Membership renewals due Nov, Dec, Jan. 

Don’t leave till December – start renewing ASAP.

  • New member introductions:   None 


  1. Treasurer’s Report: David Lutton, Treasurer


Opening Balance $ 24,700.92.      Closing Balance $24,109.45

Income Total $690.59.      Expenditure Total $1282.06

NOTE Income & Expenditure Spread sheet available on request.

Rally Account. Opening Balance. $3359.16.           Closing Balance $3730.54

Income Total $1250.17.      Total Expenses. $878.79

  • Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor

Feature Bike – 1936 Norton Model 18 motorcycle.

Website Additions and Improvements

The website is doing well with additions to improve communications with submitted content.

New Ride Calendar, News Stories, and easy-to-submit forms for the For Sale, Wanted, News Stories, and Ride Reports.

Michael gave a detailed report on visits to the web site & what items are of most interest and most recent additions.


  • Welfare Officer’s Report: Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer. –  NIL 

  • Ride & Rally Report: Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair

Neil Hillas – Butterball Rally 

– Entries are now closed.

We have 34 Bikes and 11 Pillions. (45 in total).

Rally committee has done a exceptionally well.

Thank you to Mark, Don and John as all is in order. 

Rally check in time is at 8.00am Sat Morning. 

Start with Egg and Bacon Roll and coffee & Tea.

Sat Lunch – Members to pay.

Dinner – Subsidised by the Club. 

Breakfast – $20.

Hoping for good weather!

Fuel and Lunch stop will be at WALWA. 

Ride will start at Vietnam Veterans Club behind RSL Wodonga ( Havlock  Street ) 

Wodonga, Murray Valley Highway, River Road to Granya, over Gap, Bullioh, Koetong Pub, Walwa for Lunch, Tintaldra, Cudgewa – Rolling Test then to Corryong.

7pm Dinner. Courtesy bus available for dinner.

Sunday morning breakfast from 7.30am. Corryong Hotel Motel.

Briefing at 10 am.  Ride to Scammell’s lookout, 100km round trip back to Corryong Hotel Motel.

Stewie Mclean: 

4/9/22: A lovely sunny day for a short ride via Yack and Beechworth to the Hammonds farm for a BBQ lunch. Sixteen bikes, seven club plated. Good to see Black Bill out for a run. A couple of interested observers in Yack. Not sure what Paul did?  Thanx heaps to Cathy and Kevin.

Wednesday Coffee Ride: 7/9/22: Sixteen motorcycles flocked to Yack pie shop. Followed the weir out to turn off on Gundowring Road to Dederang and then to Yack the back way. Glenn has his RZ500, and Wayne gave the  Matchless a run. The Hammonds met us there.

Yummy pies and chat in the sun.

18/9/22 Sunday Ride: Cancelled due to bad weather and no riders.

Thank you to John McInnes- Ride Leader for riding in from Howlong. 

Acceptance of Reports – Moved Graeme Male.      Seconded: Dave Lockley


  • Committee Meeting report September 13th 2022
  • Amendments to Constitution Appendix 1 re NSW HCRS – to go to Special General at our next general meeting 25/10/22 Meeting as Special Resolution
  • Change to Club rules Rule 4. 4) to incorporate changes to NSW HCRS requirements and also clarification of Rule 3. 2) communication to members – updated rules to be circulated
  • Purchase of Club Mobile. Re: Communications 

Question from Stewie Mclean: RE: “ Taking of Bike to a club meeting, does this count as a ride”?  If on the Ride Calendar this should count as a ride event.? – Needing Clarity on this.

Roger McGregor — Noted: VIC – Must fill in logbook or face $900.00 Fine

Glen Withers made a comment about the NSW scheme: He had registered a bike recently and he got the logbook which says you have 60 rides / days per year and then there is a piece of paper that says you must always have it with you, and it says that you can use it for club rides only.  So, there is a lot of confusion regarding this  

Response from Paul Bullock 

For NSW by adopting the logbook system – We have lost the Test Rides and 35km Radius. We have a logbook for 60 days. Paul will investigate further and report back to Stewie. This is one of the reasons we need the help from the NSWHMA with these issues.

  • General Business


Bike magazines available for members on back table.

Donations suggestions:   

Sandy Van De Stadt – Albury Wodonga Animal Rescue.

Ramon Coulthard – Wodonga Men’s Shed 

Roger McGregor raised concerns about how decisions are made on donations (Note – this is fully covered in the Clubs donations policy) and went on to raise further concerns about perceived lack of transparency in decision making by the committee without going to members. Roger also raised concerns about the money reserves that the Club currently has (including money raised from raffles) & suggested that this should be spent on member activities or donations.

Roger further went on to raise concerns about this year’s Butterball Rally, how decisions were made for it (note – they have been made by the Rally Committee which was struggling to get members to join) & the small numbers of participants this year compared to previous years.  

Michael Sarroff thanked Roger for raising his concerns & pointed out that the three committee members sitting at the table tonight are new to the Committee so don’t know a lot of history of committee and also pointed out that the Committee is very transparent with full, detailed minutes being circulated to members after each meeting. Michael also mentioned that the Committee has been asking members for suggestions on donations for the last few meetings & final decision on spending money on donations always goes to members at membership meetings. Michael welcomed Roger to continue discussions with the him or the committee if he had ongoing concerns.

Chris Brosolo (Membership Officer) pointed out that any member can stand for the Committee at the AGM but we are always struggling to find members to take on positions. Stuart Moore suggested that funds could be used to pay the committees membership fee to attract people to the committee. Roger commented that he was invited to attend a committee meeting (18 months ago) & didn’t find the topics discussed to be of interest to him or in his view, important. Michael outlined that the current committee has two hour time caps, working on things that do matter to members & the club & meets only as required (not monthly as suggested by Roger). 

Other General Business items

Doug Cowey suggested that we have a ride or activity to raise funds for certain charities

Neil Hillas asked if there is an inventory of the assets owned by the club. Michael confirmed that we have an up-to-date asset register maintained by the treasurer (available on request to members).

The question was asked if club has a motorbike trailer or first aid kit. Graeme Male confirmed that we have a first aid kit in the boot of his car (3 years old). Graeme uses his trailer as club backup vehicle, the suggestion was made that the club could spend money on these items.

Michael thanked members for these questions & suggestions which can be followed up. 

Purchase of Club Mobile Phone 

The committee has been discussing the possible purchase of a mobile phone for outgoing messages as an SMS message – as another quicker and more timeous way to send messages other than emails, to members. 

 After Lengthy discussions, this could not be agreed upon and will be rolled over to a management meeting to discuss further. Members to email suggestions to committee about their ideas on this matter.


  • Club Regalia –     Kelly off sick – Apology 

Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $8; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Machine Badges: $20

NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo.

  • Guest Speaker / Show and tell:  Introduced by Kelly Coutts-Smith, Meeting Activities Co-ordinator (Kelly -Apology for the meeting – sick)


Roger McGregor was guest speaker on the night. 

He presented his Indian V Twin, Interesting talk and facts from Roger. 

Members wishing to present a project bike or guest speaker at a club meeting should contact Kelly Coutts-Smith (0458 179 411) to arrange a presentation time. Text is the best way to contact Kelly as she is not always able to take phone calls during the day due to work. Email is also ok – Kelly’s email is kcoutts-smith@hotmail.com


  • Technical Q&A Segment: This segment is for members to briefly raise technical questions to see if other members may be able to assist.


Mark Clifford: Q – Harley with flat tyre.  A – possible spoke needing adjustment.

Q- Gearbox with broken lugs, (in need of a welder.)  

Q – Aqua blasting            A – info to be sent to Michael Sarroff 

Roger – needs help with nickel plating.


  • Whiteboard:     NOTE whiteboard items are also on the Club website


For Sale :     ( Details on website )

2008 Harley FLHR carburettor

Kawasaki Frame 4 X 83

2005 Harley Davidson Soft Tail Deluxe

 Wanted :   (Details on website)

72 Honda K2 Exhaust

Vintage Friction Steering damper

If you have items you want or for sale – ‘submit’ to Michael so he can place on website. 


  • Raffle Draw:


Raised $220.50

1st Prize –  Neil Dickenson – 2 bottles of Wine and Meal Voucher.

2nd Prize – Wayne Eames – Chocolates and Spanners.

3rd Prize – Wayne Eames – Machine Badge, Stubbie Holder, Cap.


  • Lucky Door Prize  Donated by Lee Botting and GAAC

No16 – Peter Coulston.


  • Meeting Close and Next Meeting

   Michael closed meeting  at 9.20pm.   

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 25th 22, General Meeting 7.30 pm, venue: GAA meals from 5.30pm