2023-01-24 Minutes of General Meeting


General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)


Date: 24 January 2023 Time: 7.40 pm 

Venue : German Austrian Australian Club, 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga

  1. Welcome & Attendees (as per attendance book 83 members, 10 Visitors)-Phil welcomed everyone, new members and guests and one from Canada.


  • Apologies :    Michael Sarroff, Dave Lutton, Peter Mayne, Peter Stringfield, Kevin Starr, Craig Wilson, Doug Flack, Dave Shepherd, David Mason, Bill Brennan, Alan Wilson, Paul Lefoe, John Bullock ,Craig Nelson  Peter Coulston, Dickie Bates , Elsie Romey 


  • Previous Minutes

Minutes of General Meeting November 22nd 2022 – as circulated –

 Moved by Graeme Male

Seconded by Len Fish.     All In Favour. CARRIED. 


  • Business Arising from Previous Minutes
    1. Honorary Badges – further details, Michael Sarroff – Referred to next meeting (Michael absent)


  • Correspondence (In and Out) Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary

Correspondence In: 

 Swan Pool Motorcycle Festival Sunday 12 March 2023

Mike Johnston has 2 club shade structures.

Shine Newsletter. Cancer centre 

Thank you letter from Wodonga Men’s Shed Re- Donation

Historic Vehicle Newsletter

NSW Transport – Fact Sheet about Historic Vehicle Logbook

Bettys Place – Acknowledgement and thank you Re- Donation

AWAR Albury Wodonga Animal rescue  – Contacted Sandy – Thank you Re-Donation



Correspondence out:  Nil


  • Membership Officer’s Report:  Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer

new members tonight – 4 members overall 223 – (170 financial) – 53 not paid 


  • New member introductions:   Christopher Parker – Laverda RGS. Neil Sedgwick – 1952 AJS 500 Single, 21 Indian Chief Vintage and a Mustang. Alan Martin – 1985 BMW R65, Arthur Hardy – moved here from Young NSW – A2 Shovel,850 Commando and Collection of Japanese Bikes

  • Treasurer’s Report: David Lutton, Treasurer – (Absent) 

Opening Balance $ 24 048.24   Closing Balance $ 21 634.90

income & expenditure details

NOTE Income & expenditure Spread sheet available on request

  • Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor – No Report, Michael – Absent.


  • Welfare Officer’s Report: Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer – Sad News – Kevin Davey passed away 26/12/22 Funeral was held on 3/1/23. There was a good turnout of club members for the Funeral.  A very active member of the old club. 


On another note, Michael explained that he has been attending Physiotherapy sessions that have helped him and highly recommends this. 

 No other reports. 


  • Ride & Rally Report:

 Phil showed us a trophy, made and donated by Stewie. “Very impressive’. This will be awarded to the member who attends the most Rides on a club plated Bike. Note: when you attend a ride the ride leader will make a note of your attendance – plated bikes -1 point for a day ride and 2 points for an overnight ride. Double points for pre-1950’S Bike. This will be awarded at the AGM in March for 2022 club plate participation.

 Stewie – Ride and Rally Calendar Change. – John McInnes- Will be taking the next Sunday ride.  The first Wed ride will be on the 8/2/23. Stewie noted that for NSW plated members, if you take the calendar with your log book , as, it is gazetted as a club ride, technically you do not have to fill in your Log book for the ride. 

 Neil Hillas   Last Sunday 22 January 23 was first club ride Started at Australia Park on to Milawa Bakery for morning tea, to Bright Brewery for lunch. 13 Bikes -7 club plated, a little rain but a good day in all. 

 – AWMEC Rally – the rally committee have met & picked date for this year rally – 14/15 October,  “ A nostalgic Return”  in and around the old Butter factory.

 Please send any photos anyone has of the original Rally to Neil, John or Don, to help set the mood. We would like to put on a bus to transport those who would like attend but may not be riding, they can attend the dinner on the Saturday night and the bus will then take you back to Albury, if you would like to go on the bus, we need to book – SEE Neil

 Accommodation: North Seaters Caravan Park approx. cost $40.00per head. Dinner at Vine Hotel. More details to follow. Huge Thank you to Mark Clifford for all work done at Previous Rally, due to other commitments he will not be on the ride or Rally committees. WE NEED More people to assist Please 

Acceptance of Reports – Moved Sam Trabant Seconded Peter Leddin. All in Favour    – Carried.


  • General Business 

  Thank you to Graeme and Evelyn and Lee and staff at the GAAC for the Xmas party. 70 people attended (44 members).

April general meeting will be held on third Tuesday April 18th as 4th Tuesday 25th is Anzac Day.

Other items – Presentation of Award – From the AWMEC Annual Rally – Best Bike Category -Winner – Glenn Withers -VF 500 Yamaha.  Print of the original painting by Kristina Greenwood. (Artist).  Presented by Kristina Greenwood assisted by Adam Greenwood.  Original work was also on exhibit.  

 Glenn Withers – Thanked Kristina 

 Contact Kristina if you would like to commission her to do a painting of your bike.

 MOB: 0474 308 536 

Elllsworth Vonthien – asked about the white board. Also, when the new members introduced themselves to elaborate more on the make of the bikes.  Consideration on these items is noted 


  • Club Regalia 

Kelly is very happy with the purchases from members of the regalia. Keep it up 


Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $10; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Beanie’s & Hats: $20; Machine Badges: $20

NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo.

  1. Guest Speaker / Show and tell:    –     Guest speaker is Kelly 


 Kelly Coutts-Smith, Meeting Activities Co-ordinator. Kelly gave us a very informative talk of how to source and to sell parts on the internet. She is happy to help anyone and can organise another session if requested. Thank you, Kelly. 


Members wishing to present a project bike or guest speaker at a club meeting should contact Kelly Coutts-Smith (0458 179 411) to arrange a presentation time. Text is the best way to contact Kelly as she is not always able to take phone calls during the day due to work. Email is also ok – Kelly’s email is kcoutts-smith@hotmail.com


  • Technical Q&A Segment: This segment is for members to briefly raise technical questions to see if other members may be able to assist.

Raffaele Gangi –Shock absorbers refurbishment.   


  • Whiteboard: NOTE whiteboard items are also on the Club website.

Not available tonight 


  • Raffle Draw: 


1st Prize – Cap, Stubbie Holder and Chocolates – Len Fish (green 46)

2nd Prize – Wine and Dine Pack  – Sharon Kontista. ( Orange F74)

3rd Prize – Large  Vinyl Sticker – Arthur Hardy.(Orange F50)


  • Lucky Door Prize – donated by Lee Botting & GAAC – Winner – Sandy Van De Stadt.

  • Meeting Close and Next Meeting

Closed 8.45pm,         

Next Meeting: 28 February 2023, General Meeting 7.30 pm, venue: GAAC, meals available from 5.30