2023-06-20 Committee Meeting

Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929
PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au

Committee Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)


Date: 2023-06-20 Time: 5.30 pm
Venue: Quantum Printing 49 Catherine Cres, Lavington NSW 2641

1. Welcome & Attendees:
Michael welcomed and opened meeting at 5.30pm .
In attendance: Michael Sarroff, Sandy and Clinton van de Stadt, Neil Hillas, Paul Bullock, Chris Brosolo.
2. Apologies:
Mike Yerbury, David Lutton, Kelly Coutts-Smith.
3. Previous Minutes:
Minutes of Committee Meeting 2nd Feb 2023 and Virtual Meeting 12 Feb 2023 – as circulated via
website and email.
Moved by – Paul Bullock
Second by – Chris Brosolo
4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
A. New member packs update – Kelly –Absent.
B. Club Defibrillator update – Paul Bullock – The Defibrillator to be available on major rides. Paul
will do a demonstration at the September Meeting for all members.
C. Bikes & Blues replacement – This Ride has been cancelled and there will be a new exciting
replacement revealed soon. A new major event (date 23/24 March 2024 ). Details to follow!
D. Networking with other clubs – Elsie and committee – (John and Rex) have drafted a policy.
Committee is very pleased with their efforts.

5. Reports/feedback from Office Bearers as required i.e., general update on items of interest or
issues with the roles (not normal reports as presented at meetings).
A. Secretary Reports/Feedback:
Clinton and Sandy Van de Stadt, Secretary –
Ellsworth and his wife are experiencing some email hacking. Michael to send out some information
and tips to help members with this problem.
Clinton to contact David and Kelly re-receipt books for Meal Vouchers.
B. Treasurer’s Reports/Feedback:
David Lutton, Treasurer – Absent
C. Membership Officer’s Reports/Feedback:
Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer – Chris still chasing a few members. And advised that some
members had passed away.
D. Bike Register & Vic Roads/RMS liaison’s Reports/Feedback:
Paul Bullock, Bike Register Officer – Nothing to Report.
E. Editor/Web Manager’s Reports/Feedback:
Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor – All is good.
F. Welfare Officer’s Reports/Feedback:
Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer – Absent. – Sandy to contact Mike about condolence cards from
members that had passed away.
G. Meeting Activites Co-ordinator Reports/Feedback:
Kelly Coutts-Smith, Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – Absent.
H. Constitution & Rules Officer Reports/Feedback:
David Lutton, Constitution & Rules Officer – Absent.
6. General Business:
Any committee member willing to present a topic for the meeting.
A. Kelly – new member induction packs. – Absent.
B. Christmas Party details. The Club will subsidise a meal for members. The GAAC has provided
the menu – full cost per person – $35.00. The Club will subsidise $15.00. Therefore, the meal will
cost members $25.00  ( 2023-07-25 NOTE CORRECTION should have read $20 ), and any guests are welcome to attend (subject to paying full price).
$1200.00 allocated to Graeme Male to organise and purchase prizes etc for the Christmas Party.
10 December 2023. This will be another great event. Entertainment – music, to be organised –
Sandy, Clinton, Paul Bullock, Joanne Sarroff.

C. Ride Proposal and Donation submitted by Stewie : Ride to Ournie Hall 16th July 23.
Kym and Michael Roach are hosting a fundraiser/ride, for the Ournie community hall. They will
cater Lunch for our members with meals and casseroles. Note that lunch is to be paid for by the
members. Refreshments available as well. Cash only. No Comms for EFT card payments. A
donation by the club for hall usage has been proposed at $100.00.
D. Butterball Rally Saturday 14th October – Neil Hillas – In the process of finalising all costs. We
are looking for Sponsors to advertise on the T Shirts, please let Neil know urgently as we are
almost ready to start printing them. The entry forms and final details will be available soon. Non
riding members wishing to attend, there is a bus available! Please let Neil know ($10). Neil will be
driving to the dinner and returning to Wodonga. Music and Music system at the dinner venue will
be arranged – Paul Bullock, Joanne Sarroff.
E. Resource Folder left at GAAC. To contain most needed paperwork. E.g. New membership
papers, Secretary papers etc
F. Dinner Vouchers – David absent. Clinton to follow up with David and Kelly.
G. Other Items. Members with any ideas for rides to contact the committee.
Ride suggestion by Adam Greenwood – Mansfield.
7. Meeting Close and Next Meeting:
Closed 7.29pm
Next Meeting: General Meeting – GAAC ( Now known as “ The Venue” ) 5 McFarland Road
Wodonga 27th June 7.30pm meals by Chef “ Lee Botting” available from 5.30 pm.
Next Committee meeting to be advised.