2023-08-08 Committee Meeting

Committee Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)
Date: 2023-08-08 Time: 5.30 pm
Venue: Quantum Printing 49 Catherine Cres, Lavington NSW 2641
1. Welcome & Attendees:
Clint and Sandy Van De Stadt, Paul Bullock, David Lutton, Neil Hillas, Kelly Coutts-Smith, Michael Sarroff, Chris Brosolo, Mike Yerbury.
Michael opened the meeting at 5.35pm.
2. Apologies: No apologies – All in attendance.
3. Previous Minutes:
Minutes of Committee Meeting 2023-06-20 – as circulated via website and email.
CORRECTION to Minutes – calculation error.- Club subsidise $15.00- members pay $20.00 Total of $35.00 for cost of Meal
Moved by – Chris Brosolo Second by – Neil Hillas All in favour – Carried
4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
A. New member packs update – Chris has new member packs that will need updates from time to time. Kelly is finalising important information to add to these.
B. Club Defibrillator reminder – Paul Bullock will do a member’s meeting presentation in September. In time for the Butterball Rally.
C. A date is set – 23rd March – for our second annual event. Resource planning started. Our current focus is the Butterball rally. More details will follow.
D. Dinner Vouchers – Clinton has printed voucher books and will be held and issued by the Secretary. Secretary will note on the voucher either of two, which is from Lee (The Venue) as ‘Random Door’ – sponsors of the Random Lucky door prize, Or ‘Raffle Ticket’ from raffle prizes.
Meal Voucher Tickets can be handed over to other members – The holder of the ticket can use the ticket.

5. Reports/feedback from Office Bearers as required i.e., general update on items of interest or issues with the roles

A. Secretary Reports/Feedback:
Clinton and Sandy Van de Stadt, Secretary – Nothing to report.
CAV has been Submitted for the Year. And paid for.
B. Treasurer’s Reports/Feedback:
David Lutton, Treasurer – Nothing to Report.
C. Membership Officer’s Reports/Feedback: Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer – Nothing to report. Chris requested Clinton to Look into labels to be able to stick onto blank name badges.
Clinton to report back to Chris with a sample.
D. Bike Register & Vic Roads/RMS liaison’s Reports/Feedback:
Paul Bullock, Bike Register Officer – Nothing to Report.
E. Editor/Web Manager’s Reports/Feedback:
Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor – I have added a List of Motorcycles within our Club onto the website – No identifying details, just Makes and Models to show-off what our club consists of.
F. Welfare Officer’s Reports/Feedback:
Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer – Nothing to Report.
G. Meeting Activites Co-ordinator Reports/Feedback:
Kelly Coutts-Smith, Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – Working on a new club calendar.
H. Constitution & Rules Officer Reports/Feedback:
David Lutton, Constitution & Rules Officer – Is working on keeping the documents on the website up-to-date.
6. General Business:
A. Christmas Party details. The committee has received a written proposal from Stewie McLean about the cost of members attending. We have considered his proposal and will put this forward at the next general meeting. “Proposal is the Traditional Christmas arrangements with the addition that the club subsidises the member and their + 1”
B. Butterball details. – Neil has ordered the badges. T-shirts need to be ordered by the 1/9/23. Neil replies to entrants and asks them about sizing of T-Shirts when he receives their entry form. Members are encouraged to add their T-Shirt size when sending their entry form in. Michael to fix the entry form to allow for size.
Sponsorships have been sought by the Rally committee for this event and will help offset the cost of the rally. (Sponsors’ names will appear on the back of the T-shirts). As noted within the Club Policies this is acceptable for the Rally Committee .
The AWMEC does not currently require additional funds and does not generally accept commercial sponsorship from external sources however the Club will consider supporting and promoting the businesses of Club members.
There may be specific events run by the Club (such as fundraising events) for which sponsorship may be appropriate in which case the organising committee/s of those events may wish to accept sponsorship for that specific event only.

The committee has received a letter from Roger McGregor addressing his input on the Butterball costings. The management committee are grateful and happy with the way Roger McGregor has presented the information and do really appreciate this. Having a written communication with examples, aids in understanding and working out issues more effectively and efficiently. Rogers’ question is primarily, the cost/fee for a pillion.
Rally Chair comment – The Entry Fee for the Pillion is NOT an entry fee. The Pillion is not paying for entry into the rally. The $15.00 fee pays for the Pillions Breakfast Saturday Morning and Sunday Morning. A hot cooked breakfast / coffee or tea, to enjoy with their head rider. The other items have been itemised for purchase. If they require a T Shirt or badge, they must then pay extra for these.
There were further questions about badges, trophies, raffles.
The rally are great social events and do not have to run at a profit. This was discussed, costs and the organising of the rally have already been sent out and locked in. Presentations about the butterball and the planning have been ongoing since March meetings to the members. It was decided there were no changes needed at this late stage. However any further input is welcomed for consideration for the next event/s.
Treasurers’ comment – the Rallies have never run at a profit and that they have broken even or at a loss over the years.
Presidents’ comment – Michael will write a written reply back to Roger.

C. Membership Education –
Michael will do a short presentation showing members the value of their membership.
D. Meeting Etiquette –
Proposals for General Business at meetings must be written and presented to the Committee prior to a meeting. This courtesy is for all members by allowing proper consideration and allocated time during the meeting.
Members having questions or ideas, must not shout out across the room. The member must wait for the chair’s approval and then come forward and use the microphone. This is for the benefit of all members.
E. Other items of General Business
1. Management Reports and Minutes, to be Motioned and Carried after each report at General Meetings. “I move the adoption of this report”
Proposed by – Paul Bullock Seconded by – Kelly. All in favour – Carried
2. The club’s annual donations are generally around AGM time. In January we will ask for suggestions.
Meeting Closed 8.17pm
Next Meeting: General Meeting 22 August 2023 at The Venue- 5 McFarland Road Wodonga
7.30pm Meals available from 5.30pm.