2023-08-22 Minutes of General Meeting

Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929
PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au


General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)
Date: 2023-08-22 Time: 7.30 pm (meals available from 5.30pm)
Venue : ‘The Venue’ (old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga
1. Welcome & Attendees: Michael opened the meeting at 7.29pm. 48 Members and 5 Visitors.
Recommended B&B in Milawa – “ Milawa Muscat B&B”
Reminder – Please do not park in Disabled Parking area.
2. Apologies: Greg Parish, Mike Yebury, Paul Bullock, David Lutton, Terry McCabe, Mark Sice, Chris Brosolo, Arthur Hardy, Raff Gangi, Adam Greenwood, Mark Lennon, Stewie McLean, Dave Sinclair, Ashley Male, Allan Wilson, Will Frew, Peter Leddin, Mark Wilson, Craig Beswick.
3. Previous Minutes:Minutes of General Meeting 2023-07-25 – as circulated
Motion of Acceptance: Moved by: Kelly Coutts-Smith. Seconded by: Sam Trabant ALL IN Favour. CARRIED.
4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
A. Donate to Life Organ Week – We have created a News Post on your website for ease of access for further information.
B. Club Motorcycle Calendar – Stewie (Absent) – He is revitalising the new calendar.
C. Ride to Tasmania – November – Stewie – (Absent) – This ride has been cancelled.
D. On notice – Butter Ball Rally – Question from Roger McGregor regarding costings ( pillion & sponsors ) – went on notice for follow-up. Best answered from Chair of Rally Committee – Neil Hillas to address. Neil has regularly addressed the members at previous meetings about the Butterball and the progress the Rally Committee has made. Neil was an apology at the last meeting.
E. On notice – Butter Ball Rally – Question from Elsie about Butter Ball Rally Tee Shirt sizes – went on notice for follow-up. Best answered from Chair of Rally Committee – Neil Hillas to address.
F. Christmas Party – . Christmas Party – Traditional Christmas Party proposal presented to members as per previous years. Questions from Roger McGregor regarding costs and subsidies. A suggestion from Stewie as well. Due to time pressures at the last meeting, the chair had decided to allocate to General Business for tonight’s meeting for its final resolution. ( See General Business )
Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929
PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au

Motion of acceptance:
– Moved by: Graeme Male Seconded by: Elsie Romey ALL IN FAVOUR. CARRIED.
5. Correspondence (In and Out):Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary
Correspondence In:
CAV – Consumer Affairs Victoria. Lodged and paid.
VIC ROADS – Received a list of Bikes and Vehicles registered.
Newsletter from “Historic Vehicles “.
Bundanoon Country Inn Motel – 21 Rooms, affordable accommodation for groups.
Drive Lite – August Newsletter.
Letter from Roger McGregor re- Butterball Rally.
Proposal from Stewie McLean re- Butterball Rally.
Berton Vineyard – Yenda Wineries- Taste of Italy 21-27Aug.
Show ‘n Shine Swap Meet. Tallangatta Showgrounds Sun Oct 29th $5 Entry.
Motion of acceptance:
Moved by: Sam Trabant Seconded By: Doug Flack ALL IN FAVOUR CARRIED.
6. Membership Officer’s Report:Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer – (Absent Read by Clinton)
Started with 228 members.
7. New member introductions:Welcome to new members – Howard Smith. From Barnawartha – 1995 Fat Boy, RD250.
8. Treasurer’s Report:David Lutton, Treasurer (Absent Read by Clinton)
Opening Balance $ 21,279.76 Closing Balance $ 21,264.76
Rally Account Opening Balance: $ 3750.37 Closing Balance: $ 5860.56.
Motion of acceptance:
– Moved by Phil Stuckey Seconded By: Walter Swanson ALL IN FAVOUR CARRIED.
NOTE Income & expenditure Spreadsheet available on request
9. Editor/Web Manager’s Report:Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor
Interesting and different web report tonight – Titled “Not ask what the Club can do for you…. but
Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929
PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au


ask what you can do for your Club”. Explaining what your membership gives you and where your membership fees are broken down into expenses.
Unique visitors this month – 378.
10. Welfare Officer’s Report:Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer – Apology for tonight as away on leave.
– GRAEME MALE – Condolences to John McInnes on the passing of his brother Graeme McInnes Saturday the 19th of August (69). He was a member of our previous Motorcycle Club.
– Dave Sinclair has moved to Howlong. Anyone wishing to visit him contact Michelle or Graeme (as he lives not far from him now.)
– Allan Purcell has expressed the request for help. Unable to drive/ride at present. Any member willing to offer car-pooling for the occasional meeting, would be appreciated. Allan is from Wangaratta.
11.Ride & Rally Report:
Stewie Mclean -Ride committee Chair- (apologies)
A. Graeme Male – Coolamon Ride – 8 Bikes and 4 pillions, Gerogery, Coolamon, the General Store opened for our group and gave us a tour. Visited the Fire Brigade Museum.
B. Glen Kimpton – Adventure Bike Ride – 10 Riders with perfect weather. Bethanga Hills, Springvale Rd, Tallangatta, Bethanga Pub. – Good response and plan to add another Adventure Ride again sooner than later.
Rally Report -Neil Hillas –
Thank you to Rally Committee for all they have been doing!
Entries for Butterball – 10 entries received, expecting more in the next few days.
Rally will start at Wodonga Services Club (Vietnams Veterans Club), Observation questions along the way, Lunch at Rutherglen – 1 and a half hour stop- various places to eat lunch (own cost), Judging (Show and Shine) at the Old Springhurst Butter Factory, Travelling on to our accommodation.
Meal Saturday Night at Vine Hotel – Choose your own meals. (Own cost) – Scavenger Questions.
Reminder: Bus available to take anyone who wishes to follow the Rally and join the dinner, returning to Wodonga Services Club later in the evening. If the numbers come in requesting the service
12. Networking and Outside Clubs: – Elsie Networking committee Chair.
John Kontista – This committee has been contacting other clubs. To share information useful and have mutual benefit for our clubs. We have sent out Butterball Rally information to others. Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Group, Motorbike Family on the Road, Max Throttle Crew, Easy Riders, Pan AM and Suzuki, Wagga Wagga Vintage Club and Wagga Wagga Classic Club.
Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929
PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au

John is working on an advertising awareness campaign for kids and parents when traveling in the car to watch out for Motorcycles.
Rex Beard – Eddie Brown -Member of Narrandera Collectors and Restorers Club – Eddie has a shed of all sorts of items of interest. Visit Date to be advised.
Corowa Car /Bike Show and Shine – 10 Sept. – Same day as Hammonds BBQ

13. General Business:Any member willing to present a topic should make contact with the chair prior to the meeting.

A. Christmas Party – Traditional Christmas Party proposal presented to members as per previous
years at the last meeting – is now withdrawn.
Members have had the opportunity to submit written proposals towards this year’s Christmas Party. The Management Committee has accepted a written proposal from Stewie. The proposal reads;- “ I propose that for the Xmas party that the club give a discount to both members and partners ” – Stewie
The floor is open for discussion – For or Against the proposal.
Elsie spoke in favour, Graeme spoke in favour, Rex spoke in favour.
David – Treasurer had explained the club is financially able to carry the proposal.
After discussions –
“Proposal is to go-ahead with the Traditional Christmas arrangements with the addition that the club subsidies the member and their plus one”
Moved by: Fish – Seconded by: Graeme Male – ALL IN FAVOUR. CARRIED.
B. Christmas Party Entertainment – by Michael on behalf of Joanne & Paul.
Motion of Proposal “To add extra enjoyment during the Christmas Party, would members be willing to book James Osworld – Soloist Entertainer of Various Styles (Discounted at mates rates $250 )
The floor is open for discussion – For or Against the proposal.
Fish spoke against – Would like to hear some examples before a vote.
No one spoke for the proposal –
Was decided to revisit the proposal at the next meeting after hearing examples.

C. Elsie – Video Tape transferred to Digital – Old Butterball footage.
Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929
PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au


Motion of Proposal “Allocated funds cap to $60 to transfer VHS into Digital format”
– Moved by John Kirkby – Seconded by: Pat Pavolny ALL IN FAVOUR. CARRIED.
D. Doug Flack – Re – Registration of Bikes and Cars. – (How many are allowed)
Phil – Club Rule – A member must have 1 club registered bike to enable the register of 1 car on club plates. – More than 1 car must have committee approval.
Phil spoke and was able to fully explain the Clubs policy.
As a refresher / reminder for clear understanding on our Club Policies, we write the following for your review.
AWMEC is a motorcycle club and operates for the purpose of fostering interest in and providing activities for motorcycles (as stated in our constitution). However, the Club recognizes the convenience for some members in offering the option of putting a car, truck, bus or other vehicle which is not a motorcycle onto club plates through AWMEC which can be done on the following basis;
The member has and continues to have at least one motorcycle currently on club plates through the Club whilst having any other non-motorcycle vehicle on club plates through AWMEC.
The registering authority (Vic Roads or RMS) are prepared to accept vehicles which aren’t motorcycles through our Club (given that our constitution identifies motorcycles and three wheelers only in our purpose) and that the Club is able to meet the registering authorities’ requirements for non-motorcycles within our existing system, including the Clubs Machine Examiners being willing and able to carry out the required inspection and documentation for vehicles which aren’t motorcycles.
Only one non-motorcycle is allowed per member. The Committee may consider a written request from a member to have an additional non-motorcycle vehicle on club plates which would be assessed on the members reason for requiring an additional vehicle (i.e. is the additional vehicle incidental for the member or is it a significant focus in which case more appropriate for a car club?), the number of motorcycles the member has and the members record and level of participation and involvement in Club activities.
Motorcycles remain the Clubs focus with rides and events being organized for motorcycles/three wheelers and not for other vehicles (which may not necessarily exclude the participation of other vehicles).
There will be an amnesty for Club members who have more than one non-motorcycle on club plates through the Club or have a non-motorcycle on plates through the Club and do not currently have a motorcycle on plates through the Club as at July 31 st 2021. Members in this situation will be able to keep these non-motorcycles on plates through the Club but the above clauses (a. to d.) will apply to all members for new club permits of non-motorcycles from August 1 st 2021.
Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929
PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au

Bottom line is that any member wanting more than one non bike will require Committee approval which is not likely to be given to a new member as under the policy, approval allowing more than one non bike would be based on the members ongoing involvement & contribution to the club (essentially reward for service/involvement) & as mentioned, we want to clearly remain a motorcycle club & not become a pseudo car club.

14. Club Regalia:Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator
Beanies ½ half have ben sold already.
Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $8; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Machine Badges: $20
NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo.
Kelly has beanies available $20.
15. Guest Speaker / Show and Tell:No guest speaker tonight.
Upcoming: September – Ray Waring, October – Rex Beard, November – Roger McGregor, January – Mark Sice.
16. Q&A Segment:This segment is for members to briefly raise questions to see if other members may be able to assist. Can be technical, general help or advice needed.
Question – Hi Michael – as per our talk last week – maybe some member might know if Triumph ever had a ‘ sprung heel’ rear suspension – I know that they had a rigid frame – sprung hub and then the swinging arm rear wheel suspension – Cheers Neal – ( Photo on screen )
Answer – YES – John Kirkby had Tiger 100.
17. Whiteboard:Everything is up to date on the website!
Last minute item from Glen – 1972 RD 350 Yamaha $1200.00
18. Raffle Draw:Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator
Prize winners:
1st Prize – Sam Trabant – Double Black Whiskey.
2nd Prize – Matthew Goodwin – 2 Bottles Wine and Meal Voucher.
3rd Prize – Kevin Cornelison – 2 Bottles Wine and Chocolates.
4th Prize – Sharon Kontista – Merchandise Pack and Toolbag.
Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929
PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au


19. Lucky Door Prize:Donated by Lee Botting at ‘The Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga
2 Draws tonight – Winners – Matthew Goodwin and Glen Kimpton.
REMINDER : Hammonds BBQ 10 September – Michael will send out a SMS reminder and please respond if you will be attending.
20. Meeting Close and Next Meeting:
Closed at the time of: 8.50pm.
Next Meeting: 2023-09-26, Meals, Drinks and Social catchups from 5.30. General Meeting will start at 7.30 pm, Venue: ‘The Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga











Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929
PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au