2023-09-26 Minutes of General Meeting

 General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)


Date: 2023-09-26  Time: 7.30 pm (meals available from 5.30pm)

Venue: ‘The Venue’ (old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga

  1. Welcome & Attendees: 70 Members and 1 Visitor

Michael opened the meeting at 7.33pm.

Michael has recently been in South Australia. A 10-hour trip to Tailem Bend Motor Race Way.  A first official event. The 120th year for Harley Davidson.  11 in his road crew. More about this next meeting with a slide show.  


  1. Apologies:   Mike Yerbury, Paul Lefoe , Matthew Goodwin, Maurice Dunston, Karl Brandmeier, Allan Wilson, Ray Waring, Rex Beard, Kevin Star, Tony Ryan, Fred King, Chris Brosolo, Rick Del Monte. 
  2. Previous Minutes:
    Minutes of General Meeting 2023-08-22  – as circulated

Motion – After this report, we ask for the motion of acceptance.

– Moved by Kelly Coutts-Smith – Seconded Sharon Kontista

All in favour – Carried

Stewie  McLean – Brought up an query in the committee meeting minutes that had been circulated – regarding one of the previous rallies to Dartmouth ( it had run at a profit around $600.00)  Michael and David to check this and the following is a correction to the minutes;- 

Following a meticulous examination conducted by Treasurer David ( please see spreadsheet attached Reference 1) ,  it has been determined that the Butterball Rally has maintained an average surplus of just $160.60 since 2016. This figure represents the mean average. It is worth noting that Stewie’s assertion that the Butterball Rally during the Dartmouth year resulted in a surplus of $644.20 is accurate.

Additionally, it’s important to advise our members that the club maintains a separate bank account exclusively designated for the Rally Committee. Any funds held in this account are earmarked solely for the purpose of organizing future rallies. This means that any surplus funds generated from one rally will be carried forward and contribute toward funding the next year’s event. Your understanding and support in this matter play a pivotal role in ensuring the continued success and sustainability of our beloved Butterball Rally tradition and any future Rally Events.

The Butterball Rally Committee deserves our heartfelt appreciation for their unwavering dedication and hard work. They shoulder a significant responsibility, involving the planning, coordination, organization, administration, financial management, analysis, and documentation of the entire event – all for the benefit of our valued members and guests. It is crucial that we acknowledge and truly recognize their immense efforts. I urge everyone to take a moment to express your gratitude and extend your congratulations to all the volunteers who have contributed their time and energy to further our club’s mission. 

Without these volunteers, we would not have any Rallies.

The Butterball Rally Committee, in line with their mission statement, is committed to providing a Rally that allows our members to enjoy a weekend filled with camaraderie among like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts. This entails not only the joy of socializing and riding together but also offering catering and entertainment. Their goal is to make this experience accessible to our members at a minimal cost and strive to achieve a financial balance, operating as close to a break-even point as possible. We sincerely appreciate their dedication to this noble mission.

To conclude, it is with great pleasure that we share the feedback received post-event. We are thrilled to report that a great majority of our members have expressed their satisfaction, noting that their expectations were not only met but also significantly exceeded in every aspect. There have been no major concerns raised, and it is evident that every detail was meticulously attended to. This resounding affirmation of the success of the Butterball Rally is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Rally Committee and the unwavering support of our valued members. We do welcome further feedback from our members as it helps us continuously improve and enhance the experience for all.

We encourage any members willing and able to take up a challenge to contribute towards any of the clubs rallies, to step forth and make themselves known.

Thank you all for making our Butterball Rallies a remarkable and memorable experience year after year and we look forward to this year’s – 2023 37th annual Butterball Rally – The Nostalgia Return. 

  1. Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
  2. Item regarding Christmas Party moved to General business.
  3. Correspondence (In and Out):
    Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary

Correspondence In: Corryong Historic Machinery Newsletter.

Michael: On our website is a contact form, members can make contact to the management committee, when submitted it goes to the Secretary, the Membership Officer and the Editor. We then determine who will answer the query or question and respond as required. Found in the Contact Form Section on the website.

Motion – After this report, we ask for the motion of acceptance.

– Moved by David Lutton – Seconded Mark Lennon

All in Favour.   CARRIED.

  1. Membership Officer’s Report:
    Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer – Absent Apology.
  2. New member introductions:
    No new members tonight.
  3. Treasurer’s Report:
    David Lutton, Treasurer

Operating Account Opening Balance $ 21,264.76 Closing Balance $  20,894.65     

Expenses total:  $(370.11)        

Rally Account Opening Balance $ 3,750.37 Closing Balance $ 6,226.56           

 Income: $3,294.14 —-    Expenses: $ (817.95)

NOTE Income & expenditure Spreadsheet available on request.

Motion – After this report, we ask for the motion of acceptance.

– Moved by Russel Cole – Seconded Graeme Male 

All in favour.   CARRIED.

  1. Editor/Web Manager’s Report:
    Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor

A slide show quiz – always fun and a challenge!  Winner 16/20 !

Item of interest. MICHAELS Website report. Highest amount of visitors to our website ever!
We featured a ‘Guess the Make and Mobile’ of 20 Motorcycles slideshow of photos from the 2012 Butterball Rally. Michael asks the members to count their correct guesses. We found the best guess to be 16/20 – Well done to this member (sorry name ?? ) An amazing effort – Michael bought him a drink for his efforts.

  1. Welfare Officer’s Report:
    Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer – Absent Apology.

Phil Stuckey – Re: Colin Broster funeral. 68Yrs (Obituary on website) 

Colin Broster was an active member that will be sadly missed.  Col has been involved with this club from its inception and the old club.  A lot of our members were there on the day and took their bikes. The family were appreciative of the club’s own show and shine in Col’s Honour. 

Phil asked for a minutes silence to show our respect for Colin 

Colin was a recipient of Organ Donation and encouraged members to consider organ donation – Information available on website.    

Elsie in attendance tonight and recovering well.

  1. Ride & Rally Report:
    Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair

Calendar – this is on the go. Kelly will be taking photos at Monument Hill. Stewie will be contacting members to arrange times.

Updated printable Ride calendar is out for the next 3 months.

First Ride on 1st October – Neil Ride captain – Remember daylight savings 1st October.

Always keep Ride Calendar with log book as this is a requirement for classic bikes.

28th 29th October Annual Ride to JindabyneJindabyne Hotel – 02 6456 2203

10 Double Rooms are on hold!  $150.00 per double including breakfast. Book in quickly as these will not be held indefinitely.

Rooms are on the bottom level, bikes can be parked at the door, with views of the lake.

Leaving at 9am from opposite the BP in Wodonga Place.

Heading to Khancoban for coffee and fuel. Via Kiandra, Adaminaby for lunch. Berridale and overnight at Jindabyne. 

Return by Thredbo, Khancoban and Corryong for fuel and lunch. 

Don’t miss out, it only happens once a year!  

Hammonds BBQ : Well attended with 40 members approx. 25 Bikes a few club plated. A good day at the Hammonds’ Residence, lovely 3 course meal and sunny day. Excellent, thank you Kevin and Kath Hammond.  

Midweek coffee ride – Yack (new) pie shop 8 Riders 6 Club plated – Lovely day. 

Will Frew   : Coffee Ride to Yack  Lovely Ride and Great Day out. 

 John McInnes – Gerogery for coffee and Balldale Hotel for lunch. 24/9/23 

Video and photos of the day.  Travelled to Thistle café in Walla, Walbundrie, Oil Tree lagoon, Balldale for lunch. 15 Bikes 4/5 club plated.  


1st October is the end of entries. Total entries at present – 30. We need more people for the bus. We cannot go ahead with only 2. We need a minimum of 6.  This may have to be cancelled.

We asked members to confirm on the night – No confirmations, thus we have called to cancel the bus service – We offer thanks to Neil for the choice to members and realise this may be needed in future events with the understanding that we do need committed RSVPs prior the event to ensure it can be locked in.

Rally information will be handed out on the day with T Shirts. Sponsors have donated goods.

A huge variety of Prizes. Multiple $100 Fuel vouchers, 4x Digital Safes, Gift Cards, Vouchers etc.  for Raffle.

We need 10 corner marshals for the day, let Neil and John know if you can assist.

The Show and Shine will be at the Vine Hotel or out the front of the Cedars Caravan Park. 

This weekend Ride destination has changed – to be updated. 1st October – Daylight savings weekend.

Remember Voting is the 14 October – Rally Day, make sure to vote prior. 

  1. Networking and Outside Clubs:
    John Kontista   The committee has been making contact with other clubs.

Response from Wagga Wagga Classic Motorcycle Group.

 Nigel Horne from Nigel Horne Real Estate has been spreading our information about the Butterball Rally. – A big thanks 


  1. General Business: 
  2. Reminder about Club Badges – they are now available. Please let Chris know about your order.
  3. Bookings are now welcome for the Christmas Party : 10th December 2023 – Bookings and prepayment is required – this is to secure the catering numbers. 

Names can be written down at the Members Meetings and/or provided to Graeme Male.

The Menu per head is $35. AWMEC will subsidise $15.00 per head per member and their + 1. 

Thus members are asked to make a payment of $20 per member and $20 per + 1 if bringing along their + 1. 

Payments are to be deposited into the Club Account or Cash payments to the Treasurer at a meeting. Ensure deposits have Surname, First and your booking has been written down.

  1. Christmas Party Entertainment – by Michael on behalf of Joanne & Paul. 

Motion of Proposal “To add extra enjoyment during the Christmas Party, would members be willing to book James Osworld – Soloist Entertainer of Various Styles (Discounted at mates rate of $250) 

The floor is open for discussion – For or Against the proposal. 

This was voted against.  Motion Withdrawn but then taken to a raise of hands for a vote out of interest.

Vote resulted in the against the proposal.

  1. Michael – Etiquette regarding RSVP on club events. We’ve introduced SMS RSVP for select events to help with catering arrangements. If you initially respond with a ‘Yes’ but circumstances change, it’s appreciated if you can promptly send a ‘Sorry’ response as an apology if you’re unable to attend.” This is a courtesy to your host for the benefit of catering numbers.

Motion – of approval.

– Moved by Paul Bullock – Seconded Graeme Male


  1. Club Regalia:
    Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator 

Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $8; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Machine Badges: $20

NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC club logo.

  1. Guest Speaker / Show and Tell:
    Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator 

Guest Speaker : Ray Waring (IOM TT ) – apologies from ray could not make it.

Guest Speaker – Paul B. – Club defibrillator safety demonstration.  Committees – Ride and Management to discuss the accessibility of the  defibrillator . 

Questions and suggestions from the floor regarding the Defib – It will go in the back up Vehicle only when there is a back up vehicle. 

  • Many suggestions have been offered and have been noted. And will be implemented on what clubs website.

Upcoming Guest Speakers;-
October – Rex Beard
November – Roger McGregor
January – Mark Sice

  1. Q&A Segment:
    No Questions tonight.
  2. Whiteboard:
    NOTE whiteboard items are up-to-date and listed on the Club website.
  3. Raffle Draw:
    Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator 

Secretary and Treasurer have collected the funds, tonight’s Raffle has Raised $ 280.00 and $40.00 (Merchindise)Regalia.         

Prize winners:
1st – 2 bottles wine and chocolates. – Andrew de Vries
2nd – Electric Window Cleaner, Toolkit, Box of screws etc – Phil Stuckey
3rd – Members Pack- Meal voucher, memorabilia and sign – Ian Read

19. Lucky Door Prize:
Donated by Lee Botting at ‘The Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga

Attendance winner: No 41 Dickie Bates

  1. Meeting Close and Next Meeting:

Closed at the time of: 9.22pm

Next Meeting: 2023-10-24, Meals, Drinks and Social catchups from 5.30. General Meeting will start at 7.30 pm, Venue: ‘The Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga


Reference 1


  Opening Closing Income Exp AWMEC Rebate P&L P&L minus AWMEC rebate Check
2016 $511.38 $273.60 $1,906.82 $2,144.60 $500.00 -$237.78 -$737.78 -$237.78
2017 $273.60 $2,017.61 $7,289.01 $5,545.00 $1,036.00 $1,744.01 $708.01 $1,744.01
2018 $2,017.61 $2,713.52 $4,541.48 $3,845.57 $0.00 $695.91 $695.91 $695.91
2019 $2,713.52 $3,357.72 $3,555.75 $2,911.55 $0.00 $644.20 $644.20 $644.20
2020 $3,357.72 $3,358.82 $1.10 $0.00 $0.00 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10
2021 $3,358.82 $3,359.16 $0.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.34 $0.34 $0.34
2022 $3,359.16 $3,750.37 $2,580.10 $2,188.89 $900.00 $391.21 -$508.79 $391.21
2023 $3,750.37   $4,686.14   $0.00      
Total $19,874.60 $16,635.61 $2,436.00 $3,476.77 $802.99 $3,238.99
Ave $4,968.65 $4,158.90 $609.00 $869.19 $160.60