2023-10-24 Minutes of General Meeting


Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P          ABN 36 359 421 929 

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640       www.AWMEC.com.au 

General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) Minutes of the Meeting  

Date: 2023-10-24 Time: 7.30 pm (meals available from 5.30pm) 

Venue: ‘The Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga 

  1. Welcome & Attendees: 59 Members and 5 Visitors  

Chairs welcome address. 

Butterball Rally Congrats – Sandy kindly donated a Thank You gift for Neil. 

– 100 Anniversary of BMW – Any BMW members, please let me know of what BMW is up to. – Jinabyne Weekend Upcoming ride. 

Names to be written in the attendance book. Attendance goes towards your club’s participation  requirements, currently at 2 per year. 

  1. Apologies:

As written in the attendance book. Apologies do not go towards your club’s participation  requirements. 

Adam Greenwood, Richard Bates, Elsie Romey, Ashley Male, Leslie Brown, Paul Bullock, Dexter  Cobbin, Howard Smith, Tony Ryan, Davd Barson, Peter Ledden, William Frew, Mark Sice, Rick  Del Monte, Kevin Star, Mark Wilson.  

  1. Previous Minutes:

Minutes of the General Meeting dated 2023-09-26 as circulated via email & posted to the website. Motion – After this report, we ask for the motion of acceptance 

– Moved by Phil Stuckey – Seconded Len Fish ALL IN FAVOUR. CARRIED 4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes: 

  1. Stewie McLean – Brought up a query in the 2023-08-08 Committee Meeting minutes. In regards  to the section – Treasurers’ comment – the Rallies have never run at a profit and that they have  broken even or at a loss over the years. 

Stewie expressed that one of the previous rallies – Dartmouth ( it had run at a profit around  $600.00) Michael and David to check this and the following is a correction to the minutes;- 

Following a meticulous examination conducted by Treasurer David ( please see spreadsheet  provided ), it has been determined that the Butterball Rally has maintained an average surplus of  just $160.60 since 2015. This figure represents the mean average. It is worth noting that Stewie’s  assertion that the Butterball Rally during the Dartmouth year resulted in a surplus of $644.20 is  accurate.

Additionally, it’s important to advise our members that the club maintains a separate bank account  exclusively designated for the Rally Committee. Any funds held in this account are earmarked  solely for the purpose of organizing future rallies. This means that any surplus funds generated  from one rally will be carried forward and contribute toward funding the next year’s event. Your  understanding and support in this matter play a pivotal role in ensuring the continued success and  sustainability of our beloved Butterball Rally tradition and any future Rally Events. 

The Butterball Rally Committee deserves our heartfelt appreciation for their unwavering dedication  and hard work. They shoulder a significant responsibility, involving the planning, coordination,  organization, administration, financial management, analysis, and documentation of the entire  event – all for the benefit of our valued members and guests. It is crucial that we acknowledge and  truly recognize their immense efforts. I urge everyone to take a moment to express your gratitude  and extend your congratulations to all the volunteers who have contributed their time and energy  to further our club’s mission. Without these volunteers, we would not have any Rallies. The  Butterball Rally Committee, in line with their mission statement, is committed to providing a Rally  that allows our members to enjoy a weekend filled with camaraderie among like-minded  motorcycle enthusiasts. This entails not only the joy of socializing and riding together but also  offering catering and entertainment. Their goal is to make this experience accessible to our  members at a minimal cost and strive to achieve a financial balance, operating as close to a  break-even point as possible. We sincerely appreciate their dedication to this noble mission. 

To conclude, it is with great pleasure that we share the feedback received post-event. We are  thrilled to report that all our members have expressed their satisfaction, noting that their  expectations were not only met but also significantly exceeded in every aspect. There have been  no concerns raised, and it is evident that every detail was meticulously attended to. This  resounding affirmation of the success of the Butterball Rally is a testament to the hard work and  dedication of the Rally Committee and the unwavering support of our valued members. 

We do welcome further feedback from our members as it helps us continuously improve and  enhance the experience for all. We encourage any members willing and able to take up a  challenge to contribute towards any of the clubs rallies, to step forth and make themselves known. 

Thank you all for making our Butterball Rallies a remarkable and memorable experience year after  year and we look forward to this year’s – 2023 37th annual Butterball Rally – The Nostalgia Return.  

  1. Defibrillator. Last meeting we had Paul B. talk and show a Safety Demonstration for the Clubs  Defibrillator. Members then discussed a collection of suggestions on how the club can best  manage the Defibrillator. The results are as follows;- 

We have a dedicated Website Page to show who currently has the Unit and where it is. The web  page has videos on the use of the Unit and the web page has the maintenance history and safety  officer responsible for the Unit. 

We have on each Ride Event a request for a volunteer to step up and offer to take the Unit on that  ride event. If able and willing the volunteer will need to make contact with the Editor and the  current holder of the Unit to make the required arrangements. 

If we have a volunteer willing to take the Unit on a ride, it will be posted to the Ride Event for  notice for all members.

Motion – No motion required. 

  1. Correspondence (In and Out):

Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary 

Correspondence In:  

  1. A stolen Vintage BSA 500CC posted on website. 
  2. Historic Vehicles Oct/Nov Newsletter. 
  3. Insurance Renewal of Car Club Policy. 
  4. John Kirkby -Name badge request. 
  5. Malcolm Godde.  
  6. Malcolm Anderson. Items for Whiteboard. 

Motion – After this report, we ask for the motion of acceptance 

Moved by Sam Trabant Seconded Joanne Sarroff ALL IN FAVOUR – CARRIED 

  1. Membership Officer’s Report:

Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer 

Note ;- We need to be mindful that membership renewals are fast approaching. We have tonight  and November’s meeting to make cash payments for our membership renewals. The current  AWMEC one-off joining fee is $40 and annual Membership renewal is $40 (per calendar year to  December 31st). 

Note ;- For new members joining from October each year the $40 annual membership fee includes  the remainder of the current year plus the next calendar year. 

CURRENT MEMBERS: 232 NO NEW MEMBERS TONIGHT For renewals of membership and to put your name on list for name badges, Contact – Chris at Auto Screen Griffith Road, he will be away in November.  

Alternatively, Clinton at Quantum Printing – 49 Catherine Crescent Lavington.  When paying memberships EFT – please do 1 Deposit per member.  

Motion of acceptance 

– Moved by Russel Cole Seconded John McInnes. ALL IN FAVOUR. CARRIED. 

  1. New member introductions:

Welcome to new members – ( New members are asked to give a brief intro eg Name, Bike etc ) 

Note ;- For new members joining from October each year the $40 annual membership fee includes  the remainder of the current year plus the next calendar year. 

No new members tonight. 

Motion – No motion required.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

David Lutton, Treasurer 

Operating Account Opening Balance $ 20 894.65 Closing Balance $ 21 710.45  Income & Expenditure details 

Rally Account Opening Balance $ 3720.37 Closing Balance $ 7256.05  Income & Expenditure details 

NOTE Income & expenditure Spreadsheet available on request. 

Motion of acceptance 

– Moved by Kevin Corneliusen. – Seconded Maurice Dunston ALL IN FAVOUR CARRIED Glen Whithers asked the question. Should the club consider a Term Deposit? 

David explained that the Club has considered this is the past, but the club needs to be mindful of  our Club Policy and a couple of points, as below.  


  • At membership numbers of around 200, the Club requires approximately $8,000 per annum  to run effectively and should keep an additional buffer of $4,000. Consequently, the Club’s  funds should remain at a minimum of $12,000. The operating costs of the Club and reserve  requirements should be periodically reviewed by the Management Committee. 
  • Currently the Clubs primary source of income is from membership and joining fees and the  Club cannot quickly increase fees or raise funds if something goes wrong. This may include  the need to employ a person to carry out operational roles of the Club such as the functions  of Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Officer, Bike Register and Vic Roads/RMS Liaison,  Web Manager etc. in the event that the Club is unable to find members willing and able to  fill one or more of these roles. 

We have our Annual Donation coming up. 

We may require funds to pay wages for a Secretary if the position becomes vacant. The position  of Secretary is a ‘must have’ as required by VIC/NSW Organization.  

  1. Editor/Web Manager’s Report:

Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor – 

Item of interest – Featuring 1970 Ducati Jupiter 450! 

Visitors this month 385. New page for the Defib/First Aid. Ride announcements have a section  asking for volunteers to take on the Defib for the ride. 

Motion – No motion required. 

  1. Welfare Officer’s Report:

Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer – Nothing to Report as recently back from Annual Leave. Will be  doing some catch up work over the next week or two.

Graeme Male – Elsie and Dickie recovering from Covid after Butterball Rally. Motion – No motion required. 

  1. Ride & Rally Report:

Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair – 

  1. Stewie – Midweek coffee ride – cancelled due to weather, we enjoyed a 3-hour coffee at  Lavington Coffee shop instead. 

Bike Calendar – This is on the go. Some members did not show up for their photos. Have some  advertisers, but still looking for more. Make yourself known if you wish to advertise.  

  1. Stewie – Jindabyne Over-nighter Graeme is bringing back up vehicle with the Defib/First Aid. 
  2. Neil H. – Yack, Beechworth lunch. A good day thanks to Graeme and Evelyn for the back-up  vehicle. 9 Bikes with 3 club plated 2 cars.  
  3. Neil H. – BUTTERBALL RALLY – 42 Entrants, 20 club registered bikes. Thanks again to  Graeme and Evelyn and John Kirkby for the back-up vehicles. John and Sharon Kontista for all  their work. Motion – No motion required. 
  4. Networking and Outside Clubs:

Elsie, Networking Committee Chair – Absent tonight. 

Rex Beard – No replies at present. 

Motion – No motion required. 

  1. General Business:

Any member willing to present a topic must make contact with the chair prior to the meeting. A. � Join Us for a Joyful Christmas Party Lunch! � 

Get ready to spread some holiday cheer because it’s time to reserve your spot for our fantastic  Christmas Social Lunch! 

� Date: Sunday, December 10th 2023 

� Time: 12:00 PM 

We cordially invite all of our cherished members to be a part of this merry celebration. Your  presence will make our Christmas gathering truly special. 

To ensure we can cater to everyone’s needs flawlessly, we kindly request bookings and pre payment. This helps us secure the perfect arrangements at ‘The Venue’ on McFarland Road  Wodonga. 

Here are the details: 

� Menu per head: $35 

� AWMEC subsidizes $15 per head for each member and their +1.

Hence, we kindly ask for a payment of: 

$20 per member 

$20 per +1 if you plan to bring a guest. 

Booking your spot is easy: 

� You can make reservations at our Club Meetings. 

� Or, simply reach out to Graeme Male via mobile 0428 584 683 or email  female10@bigpond.com 

Please remember: Payment is crucial to confirm your spot and assist us in finalizing the catering  arrangements at ‘The Venue’ on McFarland Road Wodonga. 

Payments can be made via: 

� Depositing into the Club Account Hume Bank BSB: 640 000 Account no: 111223838 Please indicate Xmas party with your payment. 

� Cash payments to the Treasurer at our Members’ Meetings 

Don’t forget to include your Surname and First Name when making deposits, and make sure your  booking is recorded at a club meeting or with Graeme Male. 

Let’s come together to make this Christmas Party Lunch a delightful and memorable occasion. We  can’t wait to celebrate with you! 

  1. Michael – Etiquette regarding RSVP on club events. We’ve introduced SMS RSVP for select  events to help with catering arrangements. If you initially respond with a ‘Yes’ but circumstances  change, it’s appreciated if you can promptly send a ‘Sorry’ response as an apology if you’re unable  to attend.” This is a courtesy to your host for the benefit of catering numbers. 

Motion – After this, we ask for the motion of approval. 

– Moved by Mike Yerbury Seconded Graeme Male ALL IN FAVOUR CARRIED  

General Business Etiquette;- 

Proposals for General Business at meetings must be written and presented to the  Committee prior to a meeting. This courtesy is for all members by allowing proper  consideration and allocated time allotment during the meeting. 

Process for a Proposal – ‘Quote’ – The floor is then open for discussion – The chair will invite a  member to rise and use the microphone. The member will state For or Against the proposal & their  short statement. After satisfactory rounds of discussion the proposal is moved to motion and voted  on.

Motion – After this, we ask for the motion of approval. 

– Moved by – Seconded – Favour Carried/Part/Lost 

  1. Club Regalia:

Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – 

Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $8; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Machine Badges: $20 

NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the  AWMEC logo. 

  1. Guest Speaker / Show and Tell:

Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – 

  1. Rex Beard : A project bike – Honda 1972  

Upcoming Guest Speakers;- 

Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – Please see Kelly to add your name to the list November – Roger McGregor 

January – Mark Sice 

February – TBA 

March – TBA 

  1. Q&A Segment:

This segment is for members to briefly raise questions to see if other members may be able to  assist. Can be technical, general help, advice needed, looking to buy or reviews etc etc. 

  1. Motorcycle Insurance – Shopping around? What are members using? 
  2. Question – David – Clutch , thanks to Fish and Stewie and others for their knowledge and help.  
  3. Whiteboard:

NOTE whiteboard items are up-to-date and listed on the Club website. 

  1. Raffle Draw:

Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator apologies tonight  

Mark Lennon helped out tonight.  

Prize winners: 

1st – Ray Waring – Toolbox 

2nd – Raff Gangi – Window Cleaner and small screw set. 

3rd– Derek Karutz – 2 Bottles wine and small screw set. 

4th– Phil Stuckey – 2 Bottles wine. 

Secretary and Treasurer have collected the funds, tonight’s Raffle has Raised $250.00 gross

  1. Lucky Door Prize:

Donated by Lee Botting at ‘The Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga Siri conducts a random number – the attendance winner is: Mark Lennon – with NO 5 20. Meeting Close and Next Meeting: 

Note next meeting is the last meeting for the year, as we do not have a December Meeting.  MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS ARE DUE AND MUST BE PAID PRIOR THE END OF DECEMBER  AT THE LATEST. No payment means you will have no insurance and no rego. 

Closed at the time of 8.50pm 

Next Meeting: 2023-11-28  

Meals, Drinks and Social catchups from 5.30. General Meeting will start at 7.30 pm, Venue: ‘The  Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga