2023-10-28 & 29 Jindabyne O’nighter

28/29 October 2023 – Jindabyne O’nighter – via Khancoban, Adaminaby. Return via Thredbo.

Some of the best riding roads and views in Australia.

We are leaving at 9 am from opp the BP in Wodonga Pl.

Heading to Khancoban for coffee and fuel.

Then via Kiandra, Adamindaby for lunch, Berridale and overnight at Jindabyne.

Return by Thredbo, Khancoban and Corryong for fuel and lunch.

Booking Details – 10 double rooms are on hold. Jindabyne Hotel – 02 6456 2203

Rooms are on the bottom level, bikes can be parked at the door, with views of the lake. $150 per double. Amber has pencilled in the rooms for our club, but would appreciate early bookings, in case we need more. I understand there is another event in town and pressure for accommodation. They always have great evening meals and the morning-cooked breakfast is included.

Don’t miss out, only happens once a year.


Remember that this is now the month of October and the ride starts at 9 am.

NOTE – Club Defibrillator and First-aid Kit – will be carried on the backup trailer curtesy of Graeme Male.

. We invite any club members who are interested in volunteering for this role, provided they are committed to ensuring the equipment’s safety, careful use, and timely return.

If you’re willing to volunteer as the defibrillator carrier for any upcoming rides, please introduce yourself to the Website Editor and the Ride Captain before the event. This will allow us to coordinate the logistics regarding the equipment effectively. Email to editor@awmec.com.au


Jindabyne ride weekend Details –




Rides start at 9.00 am, except for # June, July, August & September which are 10.00am.
These times may be varied to suit route/conditions.
Please visit the event post for the latest up-to-date information.
Normal meeting place is Wodonga Place opposite BP Service Station. Unless posted otherwise.
Estimated Distances shown are to the destination.
Stay Safe – Stay Upright