2021-04-21 Minutes of Committee Meeting

 ALBURY WODONGA MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIASTS CLUB INC. Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929 PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au 

 Committee Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) 

Date 21April 2021 

Venue Wodonga RSL Club 

Meeting opened by V. President Phil Stuckey at 6.32PM. 

(Agenda items were addressed in order of priority due to available time). 

1. Attendees 

Roger McGregor (President), Phil Stuckey (Vice President and Rules Officer), Glenn Kimpton (Membership Officer), Sam Trabant (Secretary and Minute Taker), Mike Yerbury (Welfare Officer), Dave Lutton (Treasurer), George Stahl, Doug Cowley 

2. Guest 

Michael Sarroff – Web Manager 

3. Apologies 

Paul Bullock 

4. Previous Minutes 

Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting of 18 February 2021 were read. 

Moved: Dave 

Seconded: Doug – Carried 

5. Office bearers: 

Phil Stucky moved that the positions of President and Secretary be formalised as Roger McGregor and Sam Trabant respectively, Seconded Dave Lutton – Carried 

6. Business Arising from Previous Minutes 

Members joining during COVID: 

Phil Stucky moved – that we check the club database to confirm Ross Rilley’s attendance and if he hasn’t attended Glenn will contact him to attend the next meeting or participate in an authorized club activity by 23 May or his membership will be terminated – Seconded Mike Y – Carried. 

Club Policy Document: Phil Stucky to produce a policy document comprising all of the policy statements as derived from committee meeting minutes from the inception of the club. 

Send out copy to committee of summary of club policies document as attachment to email with these minutes 

Web Site: Michael spoke of the website structure and function – open to adding and changing content as required. Committee thanked Michael for his efforts and excellent outcome. 

Database of members is at 195 members. Steve Pettit is no longer a financial member and will need to be removed from the rally committee. 

7. Treasurers report: as attached. 

Moved: Dave Lutton 

Seconded: Phil S – Carried 

8. Business Arising from the minutes: 

Col Broster, asked at the last meeting to have minutes read at each meeting – Glenn K. moved that at the next meeting we ask for a show of hands for the members to have the minutes read and or if they would like a hardcopy provided or allow the status quo to remain – seconded Phil S – Carried. 

Roger M, asked at the last meeting for the club to cover the entry fees for the next rally – Dave L put the motion “that we continue to charge a rally fee which is to be used to subsidise the evening meal and/or event badge” – seconded Roger M – Carried 

Side car rally – Roger M spoke to the idea of conducting a sidecar rally. Phill S Proposed that “the club supports the principle of a sidecar only rally with details to be worked through” – Seconded Doug – carried 

New ride calendar submitted – Stewie has asked that the club fund the club ride BBQ on 3/10/21 at Hammonds – Moved Phil S, Seconded Doug – Carried 

Glenn want’s his personal email removed from the website. 

Group email addresses are to explored and documented. 

Follow up references to AWMEC facebook page and how is it to be managed. 

Insurance premiums – Phil S proposed that Dave L follow up our insurance details with respect to Fees and Member numbers and that insurance returns to being the responsibility of the treasurer, Seconded Michael – Carried. 

Office Bearers – George proposed an agenda item for the next Committee meeting “That ordinary members with respect to committee positions be assumed from the other office bearer positions” 

9. General business 

RSL club has requested a minimum of 20 meals or they will stop catering for the meetings & meetings will have to move to 7pm start. Another committee meeting to be held at another venue to determine venues. 

Meeting Closed: 8.15pm 

Next Committee Meeting: TBA 

Next General Meeting 27 April, 2021 RSL Club, 8pm.