2023-03-12 Committee Meeting Minutes


Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P          ABN 36 359 421 929

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640       www.AWMEC.com.au


Committee Meeting Minutes – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)

Date: Agenda emailed March 12th 2023, Reply’s received & finalised Wednesday 15 March 2023

Time: Virtual meeting by email

Venue :     Virtual Email Meeting

Agenda Attendees & apologies 

Phil Stuckey, Michael Sarroff, David Lutton, Paul Bullock, Mike Yerbury, Chris Brosolo, Sandy and Clinton Van De Stadt & Kelly Coutts-Smith – all replied to Agenda email with answers to questions below (Kelly by phone text) 

              Apologies:  nil


  1. Previous Minutes 2/2/23. 

Not addressed, to be reviewed at next full Committee meeting


  1. Business arising from previous minutes – Not addressed


  1. Special Service Award for Graeme Male 

Proposed by Phil that we award Graeme with a Special Service Award at March general meeting in recognition of the service that he has given to the AWMEC, with the option of a certificate or a trophy.

The majority in favour of awarding Graeme a Special Service Certificate – carried


  1. Club Member request for exemption from participation requirements for 2022 & 2023 due to a significant family issue which emerged in 2022 & likely to continue in 2023 preventing participation

The majority voted in favour of granting participation exemption to the end of 2023 only – carried


  1. New Club email addresses for President and Treasurer

The club currently has email addresses for Secretary, Membership Office and Editor but does not have them for President or Treasurer. Proposed by Michael S that we set up club email addresses for President and Treasurer to allow continuity of emails to whoever is in those positions rather than being personal addresses as currently. A possible side consideration with this would be that we could print a general AWMEC business card to give to interested people which could have our web address & emails for at least president, memberships, secretary, & editor without individual names but space to write that in for person handing out. Each additional email address would cost $78 per year.

                Majority in favour of adding President and Treasurer email addresses – carried



  1. Endorsement of updated Club Policy Document to include Life Membership criteria.

The Clubs policies are to now include the criteria for the Committee recommending awarding Life Membership as decided at February Committee meeting, the attached updated document which has this new section as 1.6 on page 3 (no other changes) was circulated. 

All were in favour of endorsing the amended Club Policies as circulated – carried

  1. Club Member of the Year

Clint & Sandy have tallied votes for 2022 Club Member of the Year & the trophy is at RJ Burtons being engraved, to be awarded at our March general meeting (along with award for Graeme).


  1. General Business – none considered as virtual meeting


  1.  Next meeting and meeting close-   Meeting closed 15/3/23. 

 Next Committee meeting To Be Advised