2022-02-22 Minutes of General Meeting



Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929 

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au 

General Meeting Minutes – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) Date: 22 February 2022; meeting opened at 8pm (meals were available from 6pm) Venue: German Austrian Australian Club, 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga 

  1. Welcome & Attendees

Members: 51 

Visitors: 4 

  1. Apologies

Steve Short, Rick Del Monte, Col Broster, Peter Leddin, Graham and Evelyn Male, Mal  Goode, Hilton Hewitt, Peter Coulston, Ray Matheson 

  1. Previous Minutes

Minutes of General Meeting January 25th 2022 as previously circulated 

Moved: Sam Trabant 

Seconded: Michael Sarroff – Carried 

  1. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
  2. Discussion around some members not getting Club emails; Wayne Penny, Kelly  Coutts-Smith, Trevor Bruce, Paul Birch & Glenn Withers have said that they haven’t  been receiving recent emails; Glenn Kimpton & Michael Sarroff will investigate to see  why this may be happening. 
  3. Change of meeting venue – now at GAA for 3-month trial 
  4. AGM set for March 22nd 8pm (now changed to 7.30) – Agenda has been sent out with  explanation of office bearer roles 
  5. Correspondence (In and Out) Sam Trabant, Secretary 

Mail: In: 


Mail out: 


  1. Membership Officer’s Report: Glenn Kimpton, Membership Officer 

Started with 197members 

14 expired and 5 unfinancial 

 3 new members tonight

 200 members overall 

2022 Membership fees now overdue, if not paid by 31/3/2022, membership ceases 

  1. New member introductions:

Ross Edwards, Dom Plunkett & Ron Duncan were introduced. 

  1. Treasurer’s Report: David Lutton, Treasurer 

Opening Balance 1/1/22 $23773.40 Closing Balance $ 24158.40 at 31/1/22 David gave details of income & expenditure for  

Moved: David Lutton Seconded: Sam Trabant, carried 

Income & expenditure Spread sheet available to members on request 

  1. Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor Website going well 

10.Welfare Officer’s Report: Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer 

Special welcome to Adam Greenwood and respects given on his recent loss of Chris. 

11.Ride & Rally Report: Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair 

  • John McInnes – Dederang, Chiltern, Star Hotel at Rutherglen. 
  • Coffee ride 18 bikes, Tangambalanga, Yabba rd near Eskdale. 8 club plated bikes  Eskdale café 
  • Ovens ride, seven bikes, Tawonga café and over the gap. 

12.General Business 

  • AGM 22 March 2022, 7.30pm – GAAC. 
  • Phil stressed the need for members to consider committing to Club positions at AGM.  Roles for positions have been circulated. If key positions are not filled then would need  to employ secretariat which will affect membership fees 
  • Committee Meeting Minutes of 2/2/22 have been circulated 
  • Kelly put to the members the idea of changing the raffle draw concept & will come back  with suggestions. 
  • Phil proposed that we start our March meeting 7.30pm instead of 8pm. Moved Phil,  seconded Glenn Kimpton – carried.

13.Club Regalia 

Hats: $20 

Stubbie Holders: $8 

Stickers: $1 

Sew on Patches: $10 

Machine Badges: $20 

NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo. 

14.Guest Speaker / Show and tell: 

  • David Sheppard – KR1SE. A heartfelt speech of the trials and tribulations he has gone  through restoring one of his childhood dream bikes. 
  • John McInnes – Route sheet holder.  
  • Mark Lennon’s bike seat – details to follow with his sister’s contact info. . 

Members wishing to present a project bike or guest speaker at a club meeting should contact Kelly Coutts-Smith (0458  179 411) to arrange a presentation time. Text is the best way to contact Kelly as she is not always able to take phone  calls during the day due to work. Email is also ok – Kelly’s email is kcoutts-smith@hotmail.com 

15.Whiteboard: (Sponsored by Flack Engineering) 

For Sale: 

  • Moto Guzzi 1968 V7 700 $21,500 – contact Terry Gay 0408 625 985 
  • Torque jacket with lining GTOF $80 – contact Bill Brennan 0458 294 237 Yamaha TDM 900 G.C. $3,000 – contact Dave Sinclair 0419 985 556 
  • 74 and 76 Suzuki TC100 ag / trial bikes 
  • Michaels pants 
  • John Kirkby, Triumph engine, Older model where head and barrel are one piece, Ph:  0419 656924 


  • Stewie – old trials bike, prefer Honda TL125 or 250. 

16.Raffle Draw: 

Raised $ 219.50 gross 

First – Bill Clarke 

Second – Ken Knight 

Third – Neil Hillas 

Fourth – Allan Wilson 

17.Meeting Close and Next Meeting 

Meeting closed at 9 PM  

Next Meeting: 22nd March 2022, AGM & General Meeting 7.30pm, venue: GAA