2022-05-10 Minutes of Committee Meeting

Committee Meeting Minutes – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)
Date: Tuesday 10 May 2022 Time: 5.30pm
Venue: Albury Autoscreen, 384 Griffith Rd, Lavington – hosted by Chris Brosolo
1. Attendees
Phil Stuckey, David Lutton, Chris Brosolo, Michael Sarroff, Paul Bullock, Kelly
Coutts-Smith, Clint and Sandy Van De Stadt, Mike Yerbury (Face Time).
Apologies – Non
2. Welcome to new Committee Members
Phil Opened and welcomed the new committee Members.
3. Previous Minutes 2/2/22 – Phil read the minutes of the previous meeting.
Moved: Phil Seconded : Paul.
4. Business arising from previous minutes.
a. Venue, now looking at reviewing GAA vs RSL again in June.
After lengthy discussions about which way to proceed
All correspondence with other venues is to be carried out by an official representative
of the AWMEC, this is normally a designated committee member.
Members can approach a venue in their personal capacity, but not as a
representative of the AWMEC club or ask questions on behalf of the AWMEC.
The AWMEC Committee representative to approach the RSL to find out from their
committee if they have sorted out their issues with meals Etc. We will request that
the RSL, present the AWMEC a proposal in writing, regarding, what they can offer
and give us some sort of assurance that we do not have the same problem in the
We understand that the RSL held their AGM on April 30th, we also understand that
they have a new committee. This will be our point of contact.
Closer to the June meeting, Committee to approach the new RSL Committee re their
catering situation and proposed offer to AWMEC as above after which an update will
be sent to members prior to our June meeting outing the RSL offer and current GAA
offer for a vote of members.
If the RSL has had no significant change in their circumstances and offer to our Club,
the committee to strongly recommend we stay at the GAA.
Paul did remind the committee that the reason for moving to the GAA was to
maintain the status quo of a venue and food – and we have achieved that.
As well as being a good group to work with.
Michael S – the committee has an opportunity in the next two meetings to explain to
members about the effort that has gone into deciding a venue, in the best interests of
the club and the benefits for and against.
The Committee did look extensively in Albury/ Wodonga for a venue. Per last
minutes and decided against a commercial pub venue, as we the do not have the
attention of the members. The GAA was very well suited to our needs as a club.

5. Reports/feedback from Office Bearers as required i.e., general update on
items of interest or issues with the roles.
a. Secretary – Chris to create ride events and Clint and Sandy to create
Meetings events in: Our car club data base
b. Treasurer – No issues
c. Membership – Chris Brosolo –. Discussed incentives for members to
serve on the committee in future. – to be discussed at next meeting.
Chris B brought up for discussion that: we look into the protocols of how to
table motions for meetings.
Paul B this would cover motions to do with Club management which should be
tabled by the management committee.
The Committee to review Club policy in relation to general meeting
procedures dealing with tabling of motions and when they are delt with
Committee to look into the Protocols and rules concerning these amendments
and to inform members.
The Committee proposes that we should circulate an agenda for general
meetings via email 7 to 5 days prior to the meeting.
This to contain Information regarding motions.
d. Bike Register & Vic Roads/RMS liaison – No Issues.
e. Web Manager & Editor – No Issues
f. Welfare & Fellowship Officer – Mike Y had been asked by Ian Read if
the club would make a contribution towards food or drink expenses at
Steve’s wake as he has no direct family here & cost of the funeral seem
to be an issue (Phil Lunn, step son organised & has largely paid for the
funeral to this point) The Committee discussed this & agreed that it
would not be a precedent but under these specific circumstances &
given the great service that Steve had given to the Club both as
immediate past President & previously Membership Officer, we should
consider this as a one of only.
Mike Y proposed that the club make a $350 contribution for food at
Steve Short’s wake. Seconded by Kelly. Motion carried.
NOTE due to the time constrains there wasn’t an opportunity to put this
to the general membership so it will be raised at the next general
meeting for confirmation; several committee members have offered to
pay the $350 personally if members reject this donation.
g. Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – Vouchers discuss per agenda
h. Constitution & Rules Officer – Phil – Typos in constitution to be
Phil needs to tidy up the constitution of the club, there is certain points
concerning the general meetings – this must be looked at with the committee
and addressed at a later stage.
The committee agreed we need to update policy on meeting protocols
discussed from the concern of Chris B.
6. Club Policies as they apply to Roles i.e., 3.4. Club Record Keeping &
Archiving Policy
Phil noted and read out Section 3.4 of the policy.
Concerns due to – as we are now running electronic registers, we need to
have a physical hard copy of:
The membership Register, this should be printed from the club data base –
quarterly and stored as a hard copy.
The Club plated bike register this should be printed from the club data base –
6 monthly and stored as a hard copy
Dave Lutton to query if he must have hard copies of invoices and or bank
invoices – He must follow up and advise if electronic copies are sufficient
No other questions.
7. Consideration of proposal for Life Membership for a Club member – proposed
by Stewie McLean (clause 13 P7 constitution)
Phil referred to the constitution in relation to life membership- It reads: – “A member
of the club who has rendered singular service to the club and has maintained a
minimum of 15 consecutive years of membership may, by special resolution at an
AGM be bestowed life membership provided that “
– The nomination is in writing given to the secretary at least three months prior to
the AGM.
– The nomination is supported unanimously by the executive committee.
A discussion was held, and the committee has decided to follow the constitution and
rules regarding life memberships.
The committee unanimously agreed to follow the constitution.
Michael S – given that nobody will be eligible for life membership before 2030,
Michael suggested a different form of recognition be considered for members who
have made significant contribution to the Club ie outstanding service award or
similar. – to be discussed at next committee meeting.
8. SMS messaging from OCC options (Michael) – To be discussed at next
committee meeting.
9. Revisit meal voucher proposal (Michael)
Kelly proposed we use meal vouchers and Club Regalia to be used as prizes
for Raffle. 1 or 2 vouchers can be used – Committee was in agreement with
that. As prizes are all the same value winners can pick their prizes.
Michael S proposed – Meal vouchers for a door prize draw (per attendance
book) and guest speaker for the night. Seconded by Kelly – Motion carried
10.Donations – the Club didn’t make any donations last year, need to consider
options for this year – refer policy 3.6. AWMEC Donation Policy – To be
discussed at next committee meeting.
11.General Business
a. Replacement event for Bikes & Blues Show & Shine – To be discussed
at next committee meeting
b. Christmas party venue, Lee advises dates running out at GAA – To be
discussed at next committee meeting.
c. Insurance – (Question from Stewie at last meeting) – David Lutton will
put a summary on the web page for clarify to members what it is for.
d. Committee meetings 5.30pm start -2 Hour cap.
12.Next meeting date to be advised – meeting closed 7.40pm.