2023-02-28 Minutes of General Meeting


Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P          ABN 36 359 421 929 

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640       www.AWMEC.com.au 

General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) MINUTES  

Date: 28 February 2023 Time: 7.35 pm 

Venue: German Austrian Australian Club, 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga 

  1. Welcome & Attendees : Phil Welcomed everyone at 7.35pm. There were 68 Members  and 8 Visitors in attendance.  
  2. Apologies : Bryan Saunders, Evelyn Male, Mike Johnston, David Lockley, Dave Sinclair,  Terry Mc Cabe, Raffaele Gangi, Mike Yerbury, Dexter Cobbin, Kevin Star, Ray Matheson,  Kevin Hammond, Cathy Hammond, Ross Edwards, Stuart Moore, Glenn Whithers, Craig  Wilson, Kate Thomas, Ian Reed, Adam Greenwood. 
  3. Previous Minutes

Minutes of General Meeting January 24 – as circulated 

– Proposed by Neil Hillas. Seconded by Graeme Male 


  1. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
  2. Honorary Badges – 

 Michael Sarroff explained the price of badges will be $9.08 each and $400 annually for 36  Badges. There were a few suggestions and comments from the floor that it would be best to  have badges that enabled badges for office bearers to have a year added for each year that  the member holds that position rather than having a new badge each year. I was agreed  that Michael should go ahead with the office bearer/honorary badges if it is viable to get  badges to which years can be added. Michael to investigate this option and report back on  viability.  


  1. Correspondence (In and Out) Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary 

Correspondence In: 

  1. Notification from Peter Fagan – Tarcutta Classic Vehicle Club. 
  2. Festival of Motorcycling – South Australia. British Motorcycle Day – 2nd April 2023  Balhannah – Adelaide Hills. 
  3. Renewal for P.O. Box Albury 1400. 
  4. Historic Vehicles Feb / March Newsletter. 
  5. Campaspe Shire Advert for Motoring Events.
  6. Membership Officer’s Report: Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer 

Started with 229 Members.  

new members tonight: 5 

members overall: 234. 

NOTE: 2023 Membership Fees Of $40.00 were due by 31/12/22. 

There are 24 members now overdue with their membership. 

  1. New member introductions:

We welcome – Victor Hunkin: BMW K750 S 

 Noel Murphy: 

 Alex Murray: Z1 Kawasaki 900, Suzuki ,900RS 

 Paul Simpson: XJR1300, 69 Harley 

 Adam Jacobs. 1956 BSA  

  1. Treasurer’s Report: David Lutton, Treasurer 

Opening Balance $ 21 634.90 Closing Balance $ 22 939.90  

income: $1305.00 Memberships. No Expenses 

Raffle from 28 February was $268.00 

NOTE Income & expenditure Spread sheet available on request 

  1. Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor. Michael’s Feature Bike – Vincent Series C Raptide 1953 Vintage. 

The website is doing amazingly! 

We have seen a huge hit in views. A record-breaking amount of monthly views for both Jan and  Feb. 

This is mainly due to the outgoing SMS messages. The messages include, a read more info link  that takes you to your website. Members are utilizing this link to keep up to date with the current  news being presented. 

We now have a new page titled – History of Office Bearers. The purpose is to record keep the  office bears and give tribute to the dedication and service each member provides to the club. We  want to see everyone’s name on there at some stage. The AGM is coming up, wink wink. 

10.Welfare Officer’s Report: Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer (is an apology) 

 Clinton (Secretary ) – Expressed our condolences to Adam Greenwood – re: the passing of  his father Gerald Greenwood on the 18 February 2023.  

11.Ride & Rally Report: Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair and others 

 John Mc Innes and Neil need more volunteers to help with organizing the Rally. Please let  them know if you can assist.

Stewie – The Gentleman’s Ride has been deferred to a later date. To be advised.  The Ride committee is looking for volunteers to help lead a ride. 

Please remember to register with ride leader when attending a ride as this is important for club  plated bike registrations requirements.  

Stewie’s Reports – 5/2/23 -Jingellic- Tumbarumba- Tumut. A great turnout, 25 bikes, 9 Club  plated. A perfect day for a ride, a little bit foggy in Albury but opened up to a clear day. John led  the crew following the river road to Walwa for coffee then on to Tumbarumba via Mannus. Lunch  at the pub or bakery before heading home by various routes. 

8/2/23 – Woomagama Hotel -Via Wymah Ferry. A ripper of a day weatherwise, a little bit crisp  earlier and then sunny all day. 18 bikes, 3 club plated, 2 Harleys and more Triumphs than you  could point a stick at! Always a nice ride along the river road to the Wymah punt. Two water  crossings necessary to shift the mob, giving John ample time to give his drone a run. The group  split up on the other side, some to sample dirt riding and others preferring bitumen, to all arrive at  the Woomargama Hotel for a scrumptious brunch of spicy chicken, hot snacky things and sweeties  to be washed down by coffee or beer. Great morning spent chatting on the deck. Three past  presidents spotted reminiscing! Thanks to Kev for coming along with the handbrake to do backup.  

19/2/23- Tawonga Store – Porepunkah Pub. The day looked like a hotty but 25 Riders and 3  pillions joined the ride. John Mc Innes led the group out to five ways and then down Gundowring  Rd to Tawonga store for coffee and gossip. We were joined there by a few riders from down south.  Over the Gap and through Bright to Porepunkah for a nice lunch at the pub. Some lingered on and  riders returned home in dribs and drabs. A good day was had by all. 

Cheers Stewie. 

Phil Stuckey – Next month is our AGM – Get involved if you can! 

Acceptance of Reports – Moved by Kelly Coutts-Smith Seconded by Elsie Romey MAJORITY IN FAVOUR. CARRIED. 

12.General Business 

  • Items from Committee meeting February 2nd 2023 (as circulated) 

o Club phone & SMS messaging review – The committee has been paying for  the service cost of the club phone for the trial period of three months. After  some discussion it was agreed that the Club should take on the monthly  

payments for the phone as this seems to be working very well with Michael  sending everyone reminders. MAJORITY IN FAVOUR AND CARRIED. 

o Club Defibrillator quote – Paul Bullock – Defibrillator quote – Approx.  

$1700.00 with shelf life of 7 years to be purchased from Safepak. MAJORITY IN FAVOUR AND CARRIED. 

o Bike & Blues replacement – won’t happen this year, looking at spring next  year 

o Machine examiners dinner, Mike Yerbury organising, Club to pay for  

examiners and partners and all members welcome to attend at their own cost  – details TBA

o Networking with other clubs – we don’t have that role currently so not good at  networking with other clubs re events etc – this was discussed and it was  

agreed that we will establish role and subcommittee at the upcoming AGM. 

o Confirmation of AGM for March meeting 28/3/23, A shorter than normal  meeting either before or after the AGM. AGM agenda will be circulated 3  

weeks before meeting. 

o Life Membership proposal was received by the committee in accordance with  rule 13 of the club’s constitution, so criteria established & decision made vs  criteria. The nominated members did not meet criteria. 

o Reminder that club participation requirement applies for last year to have  renewals signed this year. Please record your participation to ensure you  

have met requirements for club plated registrations. 

  • Other items – 
  • Voting for the 2022 Club Person of The Year – pencils & paper were given to all  members at meeting (current financial members only) to write member of their choice – to be collected & tabulated by Secretary prior to March meeting. 
  • Result of vote will be announced at March general meeting. 

13.Club Regalia 

Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $10; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Beanie’s & Hats: $20;  Machine Badges: $20 

NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo. 

14.Guest Speaker/Show and tell: Intro by Kelly Coutts-Smith, Meeting Activities Co-ordinator Members wishing to present a project bike or guest speaker at a club meeting should contact Kelly Coutts-Smith (0458  179 411) to arrange a presentation time. Text is the best way to contact Kelly as she is not always able to take phone  calls during the day due to work. Email is also ok – Kelly’s email is kcoutts-smith@hotmail.com 

Kelly did not have a guest speaker therefore gave us an example of how to source parts on  the internet.  

15.Technical Q&A Segment: This segment is for members to briefly raise technical questions  to see if other members may be able to assist. 

Michael Sarroff is trying to source a VHS to digital converter. Please contact him if you know  where he can get one.  

  1. Whiteboard: NOTE whiteboard items are also on the Club website  

For Sale: 2001 Yamaha FZS 1000 – $4000.00 Contact Darren 0435 726 236  1988 Yamaha DT 175 – $1500.00 Contact James Shepard 0424 083 625  1980 Suzuki GP125 $1800.00 Contact Doug Flack 0409 451 202  1985 Suzuki VS 750 Intruder $5495.00 Contact Graham 0402 993 701

17.Raffle Draw: 

Prize winners: 1st – AWMEC Regalia – Victor Hunkin. 

 2nd – 2 bottles wine and food voucher – Sharon Kontista.  3rd – Chocolates and Battery Charger – Stewie McLean. 

18.Lucky Door Prize – donated by Lee Botting & GAAC – Winner: No: 62 David Lutton. 

19.Meeting Close and Next Meeting 

Meeting closed at 9.10pm.  

Next Meeting & AGM: 28 March 2023, Meeting 7.30 pm, venue: GAAC, meals available  from 5.30